
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Quick and dirty chiro update!

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This is going to be the quickest and dirtiest post you ever did see from me!

I saw my chiro this afternoon, told him all the drama that went down in the last two weeks... not running, lots of walking, lots of stretching and mobility work and knee/glute strengthening shit... Told him how my leg felt really jacked up when walking, but that I had two solid 5 mile pain free runs. (And by pain free runs, I should really say pain free POST runs. Rarely does it hurt when I run. It's afterwards that my IT band and/or knee pulsates!

My chiro was really happy to hear that I took 2 weeks off and that I had two successful runs. He recommends I run 2 times a week for right now. Hey, I can deal with that. I think I will save my runs for the weekends. Weekends are more magical when a run is involved....

I am not "better". Today, I felt my knee get "warmer" as the day went on. Now it hurts and my IT band hurts too, but that's from my chiro working on it, not from any exercise I did. (I lifted upper body.)

My chiro's take is that he is really pleased I am putting work in myself and not just relying on him. He checked out my back, it is all good. My knee range of motion is also a lot better as well- Thank you, Couch Stretch!

I will see him 3 weeks from today.

I will continue to do my due diligence with all the work I have done so far. SOMETHING I am doing has to be helping I haven't had a pain free post run in MONTHS, and this week I had two in a row!? Not sure what exactly is helping but like I said, something is working. Unless it is a fluke. Which I haven't ruled out. I am such a realist....

Sorry that this is a quick and boring post. But a lot of you have been asking about my situation and hoping for good news from my chiro, so I wanted to tell you in a timely manner!

It's not good news but it's not bad news. It's REALISTIC NEWS.

I am a work in progress.

And now I am hitting publish without anymore editing. So I am sorry if there are typos or nonsensical sentences! I will be back tomorrow with a more thought out post- one that took me more than 5 minutes to write!


  1. Good news! Really. I think you are well on your way and even though progress is not always linear, you will get there! I have a question: since you came back from your plica surgery has your knee/IT band hurt and you just ran through it? Or can you look back on training and see where things started to come off the rails and maybe figure out something that might have triggered all of this? I am sure you have thought of that already so apologies in advance :)

    1. Good question! After my surgery, I didn't have pain other than pain associated with the surgery. I can't pinpoint a time that my knee/IT band started hurting a bit... It never really hurt DURING runs, just sometimes after. It progressively started hurting for longer after until I felt like I was at the point that I was BEFORE my surgery. I don't think I needed surgery. I think the same problem I am having now is what I was having before surg. Very frustrating.

    2. Yes, frustrating for sure! Hang in there and keep up the great work.

  2. Really glad to hear that the chiro agrees that you're heading in the right direction! Thanks for the quick update, I was wondering how it went!

  3. I'm so glad you're getting better!

    My first thought was maybe what's "working" is simply that you've had more rest? But I'm not chiropractor so I'm just spitballin' here.

    That's so exciting that you can start running again! Thanks for the update!!

  4. So glad you were able to have some pain free "post" run times! That is great! Kudos to you too, for taking independent action!!

  5. So great that he is on board and supports what you came up with on your own! I hope when you see him in three weeks it's even better!

    1. I hope so too. :) It's riding on me, though. I hope I can continue to make choices that will get me to where I want to be!

  6. Thank Karen! Yes, exactly what we were talking about yesterday. :)

  7. I'm glad to hear you're making progress and on the right track!

  8. Healing can take time. But at least you've seen that there is actual progress. And it was wise that you consulted these symptoms and conditions with a chiropractor. Cases like those need an expert and specialized help, especially when a mistake could lead to aggravating the points of concern.

    Derek Sparks @ Forgey Chiropractic

  9. Good work on following your chiropractor's advice, Meg! A chiro can adjust your body, but he or she cannot control how you use it. Chiropractic success stories are because of diligent patients like you, who work hand-in-hand with their doctors to solve the issue. Good day!

    Jacqueline Hodges @ DrKoziol
