
Thursday, January 15, 2015


It's only mid January and I'm already scrapping all of my goals!

My mindset has completely changed. Everything I wrote about here is OFF. I have a new goal in mind.

Sounds to good to be true, right?

I used to think I just had to accept the fact that my left leg is wonky and that I should just work around it.


I am being held back from reaching my true potential. I have all the motivation and drive in the world, but my stupid freaking left leg will not cooperate. I will not accept this any longer. This is not my new normal. This has to stop.

Using some guidelines and tools outlined in the book Ready to Run, I am very motivated to take on the challenge of rehabilitating myself and performing the proper maintenance on my body so I can do all the things I want to do.

Life is long. I want to run forever. It's time to freaking end this.

Check back tomorrow for some more details about how I plan to get to the bottom of my knee/IT band issues and hopefully start to live a pain free life!


  1. Wow, came to read today and did not expect this. But I'm absolutely on board with the plan. Can't wait to see the details of your rehab.

  2. Ugh! I'm so sorry your leg won't get better. It sounds like you are making the right decision though, as tough as it is. We can't make our bodies know how important goals are, we have to listen to them and let them guide us because trying to do it the other way around just doesn't work.

    Boo :-(

  3. I'm so sorry your leg has been bothering you so much. :( I hope you new goal can help you get to the bottom of why it's been bothering you so much. Is this the same leg as the one where you had knee surgery?

    1. Yup same name. I and I am pretty sure surgery was not the answer to my original problem and that I did NOT need surgery to begin with. :(

  4. I love your new goal!!! years ago my number 1 goal was (still is) to keep running - that means I don't train for marathons or really race at all but I can run!!!

  5. Yay for this fantastic new goal! I am happy the book gave you some ideas to get started!

    1. It really opened my eyes and convinced me how much damage we do to our bodies when we run through aches and pains.

  6. Oooh I love this attitude!!! Your new goal is focused on the right thing for you!

  7. Oh girl how I feel your pain (literally). My entire left side (back, hip, knee) has been an issue for the past year... super frustrating!! Whenever I think something is healed, another things pops up. I love the goal of being injury free this year and I am right there with you! I have found that the hip & glute strengthening exercises are helping the knee... also backing off running really helped too! I hope you can figure this out and I think you are being smart about taking care of things!! Just know you aren't alone:)

    1. Thank you so much. While I don't wish nagging problems on anyone else, I can't tell you how comforting it is to hear I am not alone in my struggles! I feel broken and very... jealous that others can run and run and run with no problems.
