
Friday, January 2, 2015

Back to the chiro

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While I am a very "take on the day", "gung ho", "git 'er done" type of person, I can really put things off if I want to. I can put shit off for MONTHS if I really don't want to face something.

If you read my blog regularly, you may know I suffer from annoying IT band issues from time to time. I don't talk about it a lot as it is just sort of a constant annoyance and nothing new. Plus, it is depressing to write about the fact that my left leg hasn't felt "normal" in 18 months. It doesn't hold me back from everything I want to do, but it holds me back from enough stuff that it makes me sad.

Here's just a quick description of my IT band shit I deal with....

- Have suffered from chronic IT band aching for 6-7 months.
- I stretch and foam roll like crazy to try to rehab myself.
- It never aches during a run, but later on in the day when I'm sitting for awhile or laying on the couch
- Lifting lower body REALLY aggravates it. I am really held back with the lifting.
- Speed and hills make it worse.

I finally made an appointment at my chiro. Dr. Mark is more than a chiro, though. He does sports medicine type of stuff as well as Active Release Therapy. He's cured me of tight hamstrings, plantar fasciitis, and scar tissue... just to name a few of the major/minor ailments I have experienced as a runner over the past ten years.

After a consultation with him, he determined I don't have full range of motion in my knee, which could be putting more strain on my IT band. (The IT band is never the PROBLEM. Some other problem is causing the IT band to work too hard.) He also wants to focus on my hips, as well as treat the actual IT band. During the consultation, he had me do a couple movements, tested my knee's ROM, and then scraped some scar tissue off my knee.

He recommended a book called Ready To Run, which I already bought off Amazon. He said the book will give me exercises to help get full mobility in my knee. I plan to read the book and give you my review/analysis chapter(ish) by chapter(ish).

He also recommended taking my foam rolling to the next level by getting a MobilityWOD Super Nova. I am going to research this product before I get it. Have you heard of it? Do you use it?

So I will do 6-8 sessions with Dr. Mark and see how it goes! I still have a million questions for him... so it is hard to get my hopes up that this will work. But hey, it's better than doing nothing.

And the good part about going to the chiro is that now I will be regularly shaving my legs again.

You're welcome, Paul.
Have you read Ready To Run?
Have you ever had Active Release Therapy?
Ever try the MobilityWOD Super Nova? Such a fancy name...


  1. Kelly Starrett is amazing! I had chronic issues with my knee and the only thing that made it better was to stop running.... since I've recently started running again (once or twice a week) I haven't had any problems, touch wood!

    1. Have you read the book? Do you wear the zero drop shoe? I am scared of it!

  2. What did your chiro do for the plantar fasciitis? I am still struggling with this. Have done injection, 2 rounds of PT, the second one which they used iontophoresis. Although I have it somewhat under control, it is not gone and flares up badly from time to time. I am trying to figure out my next route. Curious if the book you get touches on PF at all.

    1. In know that it does talk about PF but I am not to that section yet. When I had PF, it was VERY sudden. I stopped running right away, which I think was key to making it go away. Also key was seeing Mark. He scraped my plantar fascia. It hurt more than anything I ever experienced in my life but 2 sessions and a week off from running and I was good to go. Gonna write about the book. Will pay atten to anything they say about PF.

  3. Thanks Megan! Do you know the proper term for the scraping? I am currently taking time off from running since I have been dealing with this about 6 months or so. Hate to do it but I think that is what is needed.

    1. lol sorry I do not. All I know was it was like a butter knife type of instrument (not sharp!) that he held on either end and just rubbed down my plantar fascia. It is a form of Active Release Therapy, don't know what the actual term for the "scraping" is though... other than temporary torture ;)

  4. Okay, I thought it was the ART... there is a place I am going to try. The doc there is a runner so hopefully she understands!!!

  5. I had the "Graston" technique done for my IT band--it hurts, but it helps! I also really focused on strengthening my core and hips (primarily the extensors, and abductors) and that did the trick. I still do the exercises and foam rolling...
    Hopefully, you will be able to get it taken care of this time! Good luck!

  6. Wow...please share those tips he gives you. So many of us battle ITB issues abd could use the tips.

  7. I have been starting to think that maybe my leg problem was IT band but after much research (on my part not DR since they don't have any ideas) I don't think that is it. Lately I've just been trying to suck up the pain but I know that is actually sort of stupid. The other day after 8 painful miles my 13 year-old said, "I can't believe you can run that far when it hurts every step." Clearly he doesn't know me as well as I thought!

  8. I am not exactly sure what active release is but I've had a lot of poking and probing done with my legs. My IT bands get cranky when I slack off on foam rolling :S Speaking of which, I can't remember the last time I rolled!

  9. I did active release therapy on my shoulders. It's intense but feels like good pain. Not sure if that is what helped my shoulders heal or that pact that I got serious about strength training. Either way it can't hurt. Hope it helps!

  10. Ha...I never shave my legs unless I have someone looking at them, too! Massages, pedicures, doctor appointments...that's it!

    I hope everything gets worked out with your knee!
