
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thinking Out Loud (When I can't sleep!)

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Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up! 

Yesterday morning, I woke up at 2:40 and could not fall back asleep. I tried my hardest. Jelly even helped by curling up at my feet. But I was wide awake. Finally, around 3:55, I got out of bed. That gave me over an hour and a half to chill out before I had to go for my run. Here are the random thoughts that went through my brain early Wednesday morning...

1. "Wow, with all this extra time, I could run some errands before work! The grocery store will surely be calm and serene at seven in the morning." (It was!)

2. "I can run an extra mile or two if I am feeling good!" (I did feel good so I did 5 instead of 6. And I also listened to an awesome podcast about leprosy colonies. Did you know there was a leprosy colony on the Hawaiian Island Moloka'i? It is now a national park!)

3. "Yay, I will have time to watch the segment from the Today Show I recorded yesterday. The segment about the guy who purposefully got eaten alive by and anaconda and lived to tell the tail." (Now I can't wait to see the actual documentary about it!)

4. "Oops, I forgot to grab some important paperwork I need for a client this afternoon. It's a good thing I remembered and have time to look for it!"

5. "I wonder how I am going to make it through today without falling asleep in the middle of my classroom?" (Spoiler alert: I made it!)

My big problem used to be falling asleep. Now it looks like my problem is going to be staying asleep. Let's hope I make it to the weekend without any more bouts of insomnia!
Do you have more problem falling asleep or staying asleep?


  1. I saw the previews about that anacado show. That's crazy! I am usually so tired after work that I never have trouble staying asleep. My problem is wanting to get up. -L

    1. When I initially heard the anaconda thing I was sick, but then when I saw him on the Today Show, I was oddly fascinated. I was worried about the anaconda... I mean, I don't like snakes but I don't think they should be harmed!

  2. FALLING ASLEEP. It takes me ages to fall asleep even when I'm tired. It's so frustrating. My bf can fall asleep in seconds, it drives me nuts!

    Glad you got all that done on your early morning, makes me wish I could have a sleepless night! I'd probably just waste all the extra time though. You have great time management skills :-)

    1. Oh my gosh, I am always looking for ways to squeeze things in as my goal after work is to get into my pjs as soon as possible!

      I think boys fall asleep easier than girls because my husband is the same way!

  3. Hope you're able to get a good night of sleep today! I usually fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed, but I have had the occasional night where I just get up and start working at 3 in the morning. After about an hour of work I tend to be ready to get back into bed for a couple more hours! ;)

    That anaconda documentary, I totally meant to watch it when it aired! I can't believe I forgot and missed it. I'll be watching it today!!!! That man is crazy. I can't wait to find out how he did it.... and mostly how he got out of the anaconda once he was eaten.

    1. Yes, I want to know how he got out. Was it on already? If so, I missed it and will have to find it online! I was in a time warp due to watching old news!

  4. It takes me FOREVER to fall asleep. And I just heard about the guy who got eaten by anaconda. So crazy and terrifying!!

    1. You would think we'd fall asleep easily due to exercising!

  5. I've never had problems sleeping and if for some reason I wake up extra early, there is always a nap somewhere in my day. Has this been happening to you for a long time? I don't mind getting up really early because I feel as though I can get a lot done before the day even starts! Grocery stores at 5am are the best - so peaceful and calm. I also catch up on blogging and emails in the morning.

    1. Nah, this was the first time in awhile that it happened but I was having the same trouble a couple months ago and it lasted a week! Not fun. Hopefully Tuesday night was just a fluke!

  6. I spend hours awake in the middle of the night. I usually fall asleep quickly (I read until I fall asleep and rarely get in more than about 5 pages).

    1. Normally I am the same way with playing games on my phone. 5 minutes later, I am asleep!

  7. I wish I was naturally an early riser! I'm a night owl, so sometimes I have trouble sleeping and don't go to bed until 1, then I have to get up at 8 for class. That anaconda story sounds crazy terrifying!

    1. I used to be a night owl, but sadly I think getting older has made me more of an "early to bed, early to rise" person. I adore 8-9 hours of sleep. Preferably 9!

  8. EATEN by an anaconda?! Oh.em.GEE. I didn't hear about this one, but I'm definitely going to Google it as soon as I finish my comment. That's crazy! And I feel ya on not being able to stay asleep. I usually fall asleep without a problem, but I go through times where I wake up around 3:30 or 4 and can't for the life of me fall back asleep. The day seems extra long when that happens...

    1. It seems I am not the only one with the problem! I hate to say it... but I do think it may be a "getting older" type of thing!

  9. Yes, it DOES make sense. When I don't have a worry in the world (ie, I have a week off of work!) I sleep so soundly!

  10. At least your insomnia leaves you motivated. When I can't sleep I still feel lethargic/dysfunctional and can't get errands etc done!
