
Sunday, December 7, 2014

My normal, typical, everyday (well, not every day) morning run!

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I am a creature of habit when it comes to most things... especially running. If I'm not training for something specific that calls for tempo or speed work, my runs before work are usually "5 miles easy". The goal of these runs are to maintain my running base, clear my head, de-stress before the day, and give myself an endorphin rush to get me through at least the first couple hours of work!


My Garmin is worn during my runs, but unless I am doing tempo or speed work, I usually don't look at it until after the run. My goal is to run "easy", and my definition of easy is whatever feels easy at the time. Some days 7:45 feels easy. Some days it's 8:40. I like to follow my body. I will look down at my final overall pace after the run is over.


No music for this gal. I don myself with headphones, but it is podcasts that flow into my ears! These are the podcasts I currently listen to: Stuff You Should Know, Freakonomics, Savage Lovecast, Rob Has A Podcast, Survivor Fans Podcast, Fresh Air With Terry Gross, Reality TV Podcast- Survivor, Survivor AfterBuzz, and American Horror Story Podcast by Bald Move. I know, quite the collection.

My favorite podcast- Rob Has a Podcast, where he talks about
Survivor, Big Brother, and other reality tv shows!


In the mornings, I run the same route. I really like the comfort of routine! It is a 2.5 mile out and back, but it winds around my neighborhood so that I am always less than 1 mile from home. That way, if Paul needs me, I am only a 5-6 minute sprint away!


I head out the door no later than 6:15am and am home to stretch and get ready for work by 7:00am. This means that during the winter, my entire run is in the dark. I feel very safe, though. I am running through neighborhoods the whole time. There are people out walking their dogs, leaving for work, and I pass several bus stops with high school students. (All their noses are buried in their electronic devices. So sad!) I also pass an elementary school where parents are dropping their kids off at the before school day care program. It may be dark outside, but my little neighborhood is awake!

One thing I don't see is other runners. I think the runners in my neighborhood are more of the "after work running crowd". In the mornings, I never see other runners, but will see the occasional cyclist.


It feels "homey" running around my hood. Especially because the Christmas lights are now out in full force. Although, I would say my neighborhood decorates more for Halloween than they do for Christmas! Another thing that makes it feel homey is seeing all the TV screens on through the big bay windows of the homes. I am not purposefully creeping in the windows, but I do glance as I run by. Everyone is watching the news. They're probably nice and cozy inside, getting ready to start the day. I don't know, it's just homey to me!

What's a "typical" run for you?
Do you like routine like I do?


  1. I am a big fan of routine, too! I run the same exact route every single day, some days I just go out a little bit further before turning around. I'm not sure if this is out of convenience or enjoyment though. Living in the downtown area my normal route is pretty much the only one that allows me to avoid most traffic lights, which is why I think the majority of runners in my area run the same route as me (and because it's along the beach).

    No matter what time I go out there are always other people running. I've been out at 4:30am during the summer and everyone else is already up and out too to avoid the sun. I've been out at 10pm (only once though) and there were lots of other runners out then too. It's nice to know I'll never be alone for safety purposes!

    1. Feeling safe on a run is key! I have found when I visit big cities on vacation, that there is always someone out. When I was in NYC last year, I did a lot of research on how safe it is to run in Central Park because the one morning I was going to need to start my run around dawn. My mom was so worried but I told her apparently Central Park is soooooo safe nowadays, and pretty much if you run between 4am-11pm, you will be fine. Well apparently what I read was correct because by the time I got there at 6am there were HUNDREDS of runners and bikers around!

      I hate traffic lights and anything else that requires me to stop. That's why I don't understand people in the Northeast who run on the boardwalk at the beach. I have tried it before, and you have to dodge WAY too many people and people stop in front of you. It's just like... no. I am convinced people do it just to be like, "hey look at me I am running!"

  2. How do you manage to drag yourself up so wary and do so in the cold?!

    1. I love getting it done first thing. :) Then it doesn't loom over me all day... because it's going to be cold later, too!

  3. I'm much more of a treadmill runner and in the winter it is always on the treadmill since it is cold and dark outside!!! Plus, I run at 5:00am so there aren't as many people up and outside in the neighborhood at that time of morning.

    1. I don't think there would be many people at 5 in my neighborhood either!

  4. I love routine, too. AndI think its great that you can run easy and not look at your Garmin! For whatever reason, I can't NOT look at that stupid thing, unless I am on a great new trail and am enjoying the views. But if I am running from my house, I tend to know all the different routes and their mileage and I prefer not to run with the Garmin :)

    1. That is a good idea to ditch it if you just can't help looking! If I don't have a goal pace in mind, I can manage not to look until the end. If I look, I sort of get in the mind frame that "oh I should push a little". But why? If the goal is to run easy there is no need to push! Ohhhhhh the Garmin!!!

  5. That sounds like a really nice routine! I love routines, but ironically I'm pretty bad at sticking to them (my schedule also doesn't really allow for it). A typical run for me is 2-3 miles! Still working on increasing distance :)

  6. LOL at least you gave it a shot! :)

  7. Ha. Omg you could have just described my exact morning. I always do my run before work, at a comfortable pace and usually a 5 miler. Sometimes I do more or a little less. But I always run the same route. Ha. Being routine is so natural to me too.
    It's hard to break huh.?

  8. I love this! I really enjoy knowing other people's routines. I run around 5:30 am most days, and I see a ton of people out, too. What is great, though, is that there is no traffic in the morning versus running in the evening! I just crash when I get home from work now!

    1. I love the no traffic thing too, because people are ASSHOLE drivers in PA.

  9. Do I need to watch AHS to like the podcast? Then again maybe scary podcasts aren't good to run with in the dark lol...

    I would totally run with the Talking a Dead podcast!

    1. There are pod cats for EVERYTHING, I guarantee you there is a Walking Dead pod cast! Oh, and yeah you would have to watch AHS to enjoy to podcast because they just review the episode and take voice mails with questions.
