
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Confession Time!

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I have a confession to make. Remember that "Oh No, It Snowed!" workout I posted a couple weeks ago? The one that I suggested you work your way up to doing 4 times? Well, I personally had never done it 4 times in a row. That is, until yesterday.

Correction. I did it 3 times in a row, but in my defense, before I did it 3 times, I had already tested out a 20-25 minute workout that I will share with you in a few days. I just did not have the energy to do it 4 times, and had to practically force myself to do it 3 times!

My assessment: IT'S A HARD WORKOUT!

Somehow, I got faster each time through. The first round I did in 8:02, then 7:38, then 7:23. I did take substantial breaks between each round to allow my heart rate to go down a bit and gear up for another go at it.

Oh, I queued up my video so I could remember the moves and noticed I had on the exact same clothes as I did in the video. Freeeeeeaky. Also, I hate my voice. Please just turn off the sound if you ever do this workout.

I noticed a couple things during the workout and thought there may be some more fitting names I could have called my "Oh No, It Snowed!" Workout. Such as..

"My Legs Feel Like Jelly!" Workout 
(Stupid squat kicks...)

"Dang, I Need to Shave!" Workout 
(Easy to notice while you're planking.)

"Wow, There's A Lot of Cat Hair on the Floor!" Workout
 (All those floor exercises make you face the facts!)

"Watch Out for the Ceiling Fan!" Workout 
(On my first burpee I jumped into the ceiling fan.)

"Holy Crap, I Need A Sweat Towel!" Workout 
(Those stability ball pull ins make me perspire!)

Seriously, sometimes it's easier to just go for a run! But it is fun to switch things up a bit! I even looked around for other videos online because I was so inspired by Kristina's post!

That's all I have for you today... But check back soon because remember how I told you I tested out a new workout to share with you? Well that it coming in the next day or two!


  1. Looks like a challenging workout. I am hoping it doesn't snow anytime soon...haha. -L

    1. lol it is hard, and if it snows, I hope it's over Christmas!

  2. I like your voice! I like that you sound totally normal in in the video! If you watch the Blogilates videos and close your eyes for a minute you may feel like you're listening to an adult film the way she oohs and ahhhs! hahah!

    1. I have not listened to it but maybe I will for a laugh :)

  3. I should probably title all of my workouts "Dang I need to shave workout" :D This kind of workout it totally up my it!

    1. Well the good news is I shaved right after my workout. I mean, it was getting ridiculous...

  4. I am going to bookmark this workout and try it in January. Why not now? Because my New Year's Resolution is to do more strength work, and I dislike it so much I am going to wait until I HAVE lame am I??? My legs felt like jelly just reading it.

    1. LOL no I totally get it I am the same way! When I gave up diet soda, I picked an arbitrary date to start, but before that, I just drank my face off!

  5. That is a good idea to pick 3-4 moves if you are not accustomed to doing lots of plyos and stuff like this!

  6. I'm excited to try this workout at home even if there is no snow lol!

    1. Haha that's good because if you wait until it snows you may be waiting a long time! :)

  7. I can see how 4x through that would be tough - I think I'm almost ready to try it after not being able to do much with my arm for a few weeks.

  8. I think everyone hates their voice when they hear it on camera. I know I hate the way I sound! I sound so much different in my head! I am going to try this workout soon. :-D
