
Thursday, October 23, 2014

The one thing that calms me down.

No matter how crazy my life is, now matter how busy or overwhelmed I get, there is one thing that calms me down.

Not running.
Not scotch.
Not ice cream.

When I am feeling crazed, making a list allows me to feel sane again. I love making lists. I have work lists, home lists, blog lists, errands lists, grocery lists... the list goes on! (Pun totally intended.)

These lists cannot be electronic. They have to be straight up pen to paper.

Last Monday, I made the ultimate list of lists. It was 4 pages, front and back. It took an hour and a half. I felt like I was channeling Amy Elliot Dunne (character from Gone Girl- if you have read the book/seen the movie you know what I'm talking about) except my lists weren't about how to TOOK OUT THE SPOILER I ORIGINALLY HAD HERE OOPS SORRY!!! GO SEE THE MOVIE!

Making that huge list didn't make me feel totally in control of my life, but it sure helped.

Do you like to make lists?
How do you calm yourself down when life gets crazy?


  1. Haha! Yes Making lists totally does calm me down!

  2. Yup, i'm a list gal too. That's why I have my daily planner. The days I don't use it I feel lost.

  3. YES! I'm all about the lists and I have to write them down too. I have a specific notebook that I write them down in! After I write my list I use my online calendar to schedule all of my to-dos from the list... and then sometimes I also type my list up in the notepad on my phone so i can see the full list in non-calendar mode whenever I need to without carrying the notepad everywhere.

    To really calm myself down when life gets really crazy I ignore it and take a long nap as soon as I can!

    1. You sound very organized! I am sure you have to be for your job. :)

  4. Wow a 4-page list?! My inner type A-er bows down to you :) I'm all about lists too, but i don't think I've ever reached one quite that long. I bet that was so therapeutic!!

    1. It was! I hope I never feel the need to make on that long again. :)

  5. Good thing I saw that movie before I read this! :) I like the old fashioned pen and paper too, and it does keep me focused on what I need to do and helps me feel accomplished!

    1. I did not even think of that I am so sorry I would hate to spoil the book/movie for someone because it's so good. Took it out. :)

  6. I forgot my grocery lists all the time too. :) Your husband is a smart man- Amy is bat shit!

  7. I would not survive without lists. Notebook and colorful pens kind of lists.

    1. Colorful pens- that is what is missing from my life!

  8. I am not so much of a list person--only when packing.
    What calms me down...a run, talking the plan through with someone helps too, but mostly doing something--even cleaning calms me down. When I was in labor I did a million laps in the hospital.
    I seem to be someone who worries until I am physically tired out, then I am good!

  9. Yes, I am a list person. Have you ever started your list with something you already did for the day just so you can cross it off immediately and feel productive?!?

    1. LOL no I have not done that but that is genius!

    2. I am glad you think it's "genius" because I think it is ridiculous but I can't stop....

  10. YES!! I love lists and make one for everything - I usually have multiple lists going at all times!!! Marking things off of a list make me HAPPY!!

  11. I do love making lists. I like to-done lists. I write down things I've already done so I can cross them out!! hehe

  12. I'm 100% with you on lists having to be handwritten. There's just something about taking a pen to a piece of paper. If I type it out I forget it two seconds later. On paper, it's engrained in my head and that alone relieves so much stress :)

    1. There must be something about the pen to paper thing because so many of us are like that!

  13. I love making lists and absolutely agree they have to be pen to paper. I'm also guilty of writing down things I've already done just so I can cross them off!
