
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Funday - Playground Workout!

What is Sunday Funday you ask? Well, it's the day of the week I will share some new ideas for workouts. Most of you have your RUNday on Sunday. So after your long run, kick back with some carbs and check out the Sunday Funday workout you can use later in the week!

Today's Sunday Funday Workout is a playground workout! Did you know you can get an awesome workout in by using equipment at your neighborhood playground?

Here are some exercises you can try!

- Step ups/Step ups with lunge
- Inverted and decline push ups
- Tricep dips
- Inverted row w/ bar
- Pull ups/Pull up practice
-Monkey bar/Ninja warrior training
- Inverted row w/ swings

Have you ever done a workout on a playground?

Disclaimer: I am a personal trainer, but I am not YOUR personal trainer. These exercises are not prescriptions. Please check with your doctor before starting any workout program.


  1. I'm totally going to try these. When the weather cools down! ..I wonder if the kids at the local park will give me strange looks!

    1. We did some drive bys... had to bypass a few playgrounds because there were kids!

    2. Hah! ^ That's too funny!

      You know, I don't even know where any parks with playgrounds are near my house! Now I'm wondering if I just don't notice them because I don't have kids, or if there really aren't any!

    3. One of them I pass on my route every day and I happen to live by two school so I have like 3 playgrounds within 3 block of me. Isn't that crazy?

  2. LOL...I had the same thought as Ali on the kids giving strange looks! I need to try this workout :)

    1. Heather, you should workout while your kids are at recess hahahah!

  3. Yes! Who needs REAL equipment, right?

  4. I used to do play ground workouts more often - these days I'm not at the playground very often but this looks fun!!!

    1. I try to stay as far away from kids as possible... when I am not at work!
