
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10k Training- My last big tempo run!

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(I call this my last "big" tempo run because I plan to do a short one about 5-6 days before the race!)

If you have been following my 10k training, you will remember that I originally wanted to run a sub 45 minute 10k. But then after an awesome 400s workout about a week ago, I wondered if maybe I should shoot for lower- say a sub 44 or a sub 45. I ultimately decided to make my last big tempo run- 5 miles- the test. I would see if I could run it at a 7 minute pace, and depending on how it went, decide on my official goal. Saturday was the magical day!

Here was my workout:

Mile 1 = 7:54 (Warm up, legs were fresh from two days of rest. I don't mess around!)
Mile 2 = 7:09
Mile 3 = 6:59
Mile 4 = 6:53          <------ TEMPO MILES!
Mile 5 = 6:56
Mile 6 = 6:38
Mile 7 & 8 = 7:37 (Cool down.)

That makes a 42:58 10k time... if I can hang on for another 1.2 miles!

I am very pleased with this! Especially because the course I ran wasn't entirely flat. Not huge hills, but the first half of my run gradually gained elevation the entire time. The 10k I am running begins on City Island, so I assume it's going to be around the Harrisburg Riverfront area and will be pretty flat.

Of course my IT band and general knee area was a little sore a couple hours later, but that always happens after a push myself. It felt better the next day, so that is good enough with me. Rehabbing my IT band and knee is just my new reality! I need to learn to live with it. (And keep stretching, foam rolling, and strengthening, of course!) Plus, after this event (and I'm toying around with the idea of running a half soon) I am going to lay off the speed work. My body needs to be pushed, and then it needs to chill out.

Goal talkin' time. Here we go...

Goal A: Sub 43 minutes <----- 6:55 pace (doable under favorable conditions)
Goal B: Sub 42 minutes <----- 6:45 pace (doable under PERFECT conditions and maybe some vomit)

I think I have a sub 42 in me, but I don't know if I'm going to get it on the first try. But those are my goals. If I only reach the "A" goal, I will be happy, but if I reach the "B" goal, I will be VERY HAPPY!

Do you ever set two goals for yourself? One that you will be happy with, and then one that if you make it, it's just icing on the cake?


  1. I am so excited for you to run this 10k! I know you are going to crush that sub 45 originally planned! I admire your speed and want to go do speedwork Great job Meg!

    1. Thank you Heather! No speed work for you- you have marathon to run!!!! :)

  2. I am so inspired! You set your goals, stuck to your plan and can't wait to see you just rock this run!

    I always set goals, but I have learned I need to be flexible with them. Else I push myself right into injury because the goal becomes all consuming.

    I think it is a fine balance between setting goals and doing what it takes to reach them and also listening to your body and knowing when it is OK to back off. The goal won't go anywhere if you don't reach it this time around. It will wait. Big lesson for me!!

    1. Very good point- a goal is not going to go anywhere!

  3. LOL--you gotta love runners...I can do sub 42 if I vomit! We are a crazy bunch!
    HAVE FUN with it, and go get 'em!

    1. Haha I once had a coach say (in regards to speed training), "Anyone can run and feel good." For speed training he said you should push yourself to the point where you FEEL like you are going to vomit, but you don't. If you vomit, you went too far hahaha.

  4. You have officially inspired me to start doing speed work after my marathon is over. I want to be speedy like you! I can't wait to hear how your race goes!!

    1. You should! Wait until your marathon is over, like you said, then do it. The awesome thing about speed training is that IT WORKS.

  5. I can't wait to see how you do. I think you'll rock this race!

  6. OMG running that fast must feel like flying. Sometimes I feel like I'm flying when running at a 12 minute pace, haha (but seriously)! You're like a speedy jet showing no mercy to the clouds in your way!

    1. Haha sometimes it feels easy (this particular run didn't feel too hard) but then some days it feels SOOOOO HARD.

    2. I am in the slow category, too. I actually don't a desire to be fast :)

  7. Wow - incredible run!!! I have no doubts that you will run a sub 42!

    1. We shall see! There are so many factors to take into consideration. I have it in me and hopefully I will have it in me THAT particular day.

  8. Great run! Tempo runs are the hardest, I think. If the weather and everything cooperates, I think you've definitely got that sub-42! And if the conditions don't cooperate, you'll still have a solid race you can be proud of.

    1. Thanks! I think you are right, even if I can't bang it out as long as I push myself I should still have a good race. Although bad weather like rain could just PISS me over and make me reach the goal anyway!

  9. That is awesome you reached your 10k goal! I totally get the "proving to yourself" thing. I do enjoy speed training but I also enjoy just running to run. Luckily, speed is only twice every 10 days or so. And once this race is over, I will break from speed. I don't want to injure myself. You know how I like to do that...

  10. So speedy!!!! These recaps of your training runs make me so excited for your race!!!

  11. Meg - what awesome goals! You will kick running booty this weekend! I usually always set an "a" and "b" goal! I think it is good because if you don't accomplish goal a, you always have another goal :)
