
Monday, August 4, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up! (It's been awhile!)

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Well my friends, it has been quite awhile since I have done a Weekend Wrap Up! The thing is, with it being summer, all the days sort of run together, and quite often, we don't do anything super exciting on the weekends. But I want to get back on the Weekend Wrap Up wagon because I think it is a great way for me to share a little of what is going on in my world right now.

Happy Monday!

Friday started bright and early because we had to be in Baltimore by 9:00 am for Paul to take some more tests. This was an outpatient thing, so we didn't have to stay overnight. Thank goodness. We just got home on Tuesday from an entire week in the hospital, so we were really not in the mood to go back so soon.

Paul's tests were supposed to take 4-6 hours, so I had to find something to do to kill time. What I ended up doing is driving up to Towson to check out Trader Joe's. This was my very first trip to the store!

The verdict: I was not super impressed. It's not that I didn't like the store. There was nothing wrong with it. In fact, they had some really good prices on cheese, I got some quinoa for pretty cheap and I also got Paul some cookie butter and me some cat cookies... because, duh, CAT COOKIES!

Then I went to a huge mall to kill time. I ended up at H&M, which was fun because I don't have those near me. I got a really cute skirt for $12.

When Paul was finally done with his tests, we went to Druid Hill Park in Baltimore for a disc golf/running date. By now, it was 3:00 pm and we were both really tired, so we sort of phoned in our workouts.

When we got home, the kitties were so happy to see us! There is seriously no place like home. 

Saturday was a wonderful day to catch up on sleep! I really didn't do a whole lot that morning besides putz around the house and eventually go to the gym to lift. 

Later that night, we went to Bob and Rachel's house for an Amerimirth Party... which is basically just a party celebrating America! We're silly, I know. Bob made an awesome dinner and we played CAH.

Bob cooked up BBQ chicken, cat fish, brussel sprouts, and bread

Paul in the shirt I got him for his birthday,
I got it in the ice cream aisle in Giant!

The party goers... Brittany, Joe, Bob, Rachel, Freddy, and Katie

Paul, Me, Bob, Rachel, Freddy, and Katie

 A "look at your loved one" shot!

Unfortunately, the game was over before I could use these two!

Did I tell you that Jelly has been OBSESSED with my lap top? It all started when he saw this one screen saver I have. First he was obsessed with the screen saver, but now he's just obsessed with my lap top in general... I got some Sunday morning shots of me and my little baber boy...

Jelly checking out Jelly!

What are we looking at?

Jelly helping me edit da blog!

My plan for Sunday's workout was Chest/Shoulders/Tri and let the legs rest. I got out some of the weights I have at home and did some lifting while I watched The View. It's not often I get to do that!

You all know the drill. You put down towels or any exercise equipment at all
and the kitties and the doggies come a-runnin'!

That afternoon, I went on a lovely walk with my friend Bree. Then I went to visit my mom and dad while they were baby-sitting my niece. It was nice to not only spend some of my Sunday with my friend, but also my family!

When I got home, I kicked back and relaxed on the back porch with a glass of scotch. I just sat and listened to the rain for awhile. It sure had turned into a dreary day!

I hope your weekend was lovely!
Do you like Trader Joe's?
Are your pets obsessed with something?


  1. OMG you just reminded me that I need to email you a picture of something I saw at Target on Friday! :)

    I've never ever been in a TJ's but we're supposedly getting one next year. I'm excited to pick up some of those cat cookies!

  2. I went to Trader Joe's for the first and only time last year when I went to Boston. I was so excited to go in because all the American bloggers I followed raved about it. We tried a few free samples and didn't buy anything. Not because we hated it or anything, I just had no idea what to get. You guys had an awesome weekend. You look so cute in your normal clothes! I'm always excited to see blogger friends dressed in street

    1. Aw thank you! Please note, I don't normally wear cut off sleeved America t-shirts haha! It was actually Paul's. Actually, everyone who was wearing an America t-shirt in that pic borrowed it from Paul. Paul likes to collect America shirts. The cheesier, the better! You made a good point that all the American healthy living bloggers rave about it I guess cause it is quirky and stuff. And it is, it is a very nice store with good food but to me there just wasn't anything SPECIAL. Except the cheese!!! I got Paul bacon jalapeno cheddar cheese. Wow.

  3. Thanks for sending me the bird video! I put it on for Jelly and he stepped right onto the keyboard to investigate!

  4. Scotch always makes me think of Anchorman. :) I went to TJs for the first time this summer. I liked it because we only have Wal-Mart and Safeway out in the boondocks where I live, but I think Sprouts is still my favorite.

    1. I think they sell the 2 buck chuck at the CO ones, right!? I totally would have bought some of that.

  5. Sounds like a great weekend, ( and your friends have a lovely back yard). yes, I notice silly things like that. My Labrador is obsessed with me ( always following me) and swimming in the pool. I can't go outside with out her getting excited that she will be going in the pool.
    I love H &M, they always have super good deals!

    1. Some of their clothes are too "young" for me, but they do have some stuff anyone could wear. That is so cute, I am sure your lab loooooves getting in the pool! Chrissy follows me into the kitchen. When I open the fridge, he sticks his paws right on the shelves and looks around as if I opened the door for him.

  6. I am totally with you on TJs. It doesn't impress me at all. We have really good local natural food stores, so I guess I'm just spoiled. I don't really understand the appeal at all. I also tend to save the best cards in my hand for the perfect moment and then the game ends and I get so sad that I didn't get to use them! I love the American celebration! ;-)

    1. I think TJ's is the rest of the country TRYING to be like CA. Whereas CA is just authentically healthy and awesome!

  7. I don't love trader joe's. I don't find compelling reasons to go there since you can't get a lot at once anyway and I wind up getting crap I don't need. My cat is obsessed with whining for food, does that count?

    1. Haha yes that surely counts! Every time I open the fridge, my big 'ol kitty cat walks over and sticks his head in as if I'm opening it to get HIM food! It is annoying and silly and one the reasons I love him. :)

  8. The first time I went to TJ's I felt the same as you! Not impressed at all, but now I love it! It's the closest grocery store to me and it is actually cheaper than our local grocery store. I'm going to have to get the cat cookies next time I'm in there!

    1. That is awesome that it is cheaper than the local grocery store! Yes, get the cat cookies... I got ginger flavored and they are sooooo good. Especially dipped in vanilla ice cream. ;)

  9. Do I love TJ's? Do you like Christmas? :) I think it's one of those things that you get used to having in your life, and once you do you can't live without it. It's just a …"thing." I used to sit on our porch in Michigan growing up and watch the thunderstorms. We just don't get that kind of excitement around here.

    1. LOL I will take it that you LOVE TJ's then! ;) If it were closer, I would definitely go back and nose around some more. But the closest one to me is over an hour away, so maybe it is good that I wasn't in love with it.

  10. I'm sort of happy to hear you say that you weren't overly impressed with Trader Joe's. I've only been once and i thought it was Ok but I'm not in love with the store - maybe since I know it can't be a regular shopping place.
    So cool that you like scotch. I haven't tried it but Chris has developed a taste for it - sort of a pricey drink (good thing a little goes a long way!!).

    1. Exactly- you saw my glass in the pic. Pour a little bit in and add 2 ice cubes and you are good to go. I call it a "sipper drink". I think I am weird that I like my alcohol to taste like alcohol hahaha.

  11. I was also not impressed with TJs when I went there the first time. It looks like you had a fabulous weekend!

  12. I was really disappointed with TJ's the first time I went, too. I was expecting it to be much bigger and have more selections...Glad I wasn't the only one! People seem to be obsessed!
