
Monday, August 25, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up - HIGHLIGHTS!

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Good luck to all my teacher friends who go back to school today!
I hope none of you were under your bed. I swear I wasn't!

I had a great weekend, but there are only a few exciting things to share. I mean, I could go into great detail about how I laid on the couch and cuddled my kitties and cleaned off the back porch and weeded... but that's no fun! So I shall just give you the HIGHLIGHTS!


Paul held his fantasy football draft at our house on Friday night, which meant I needed to fend for myself for several hours while they were in their little fantasy world. I wrote so many blogs it's not even funny. I need to stock up. The kids will be back at school on Monday which means my life is about to get a lot more crazy!


Our dear friends Bree and Geoff came over Saturday night for game night! We were supposed to roast marshmallows at the fire put but doggone it, it rained! We still had a blast inside drinking margaritas and scotch. I love being a grown up!

The lovely Bosso-Forrests!


Some wonderful food moments happened on Sunday! First of all, this is what I ate after lifting...

Two jalapeno garlic chicken sausages.

Then, my garden was extremely fruitful by producing two huge butternut squash!

I can't wait to eat those suckers!

I did have one low light. When game night was over, I sat on the couch with a bag of chips and watched TV and just mindlessly ate way too many chips. I wasn't even craving them and I wasn't that hungry. I felt so guilty about it that on Sunday morning, I went for a 5 mile run before lifting chest- even though my training plan called for a lower body rest day. Augh! I know this is just one mistake but it reminded me of several years ago when I was in the habit of stuffing my face and then compensating by overexercising. It was a vicious cycle! Next time I stuff my face (it will happen again) I need to make sure I do not overcompensate. I workout enough. I need to stick with my plan!

We can't end on that note! Here's a meme I made...

What was a highlight from your weekend?


  1. I love how you do game night! We hardly ever play games except for when we are with Rick's family and each time we do I am reminded how much fun it is! You inspire me to get this on the calendar.

    1. I love game nights! Normally we talk just as much as we game. :)

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend. We also had game night with some friends. What a great time. Those butternut squashes are huge. I bet they are tasty. -L

    1. I know, I can't believe they came from my garden!

  3. Dang look at those squash! They kind of remind me of two people standing next to each other. You should draw faces on them and tell Paul they are the squash version of you two :)

    Hope you have a great first day back with the kids!

  4. OMG that is the biggest squash I've ever seen. Sorry to hear about the binge/exercise compensation :( We all have our moments but it's important to focus on how far you've come!

    1. Thanks Tara! It is good to know this was just a slip up and not the way I run my life anymore.

  5. Oh my goodness those butternut squash look amazing! I wish I had a garden now!!

    1. You can do it, start small! Those squash came from a single vine planted in a 1foot by 1 foot area of my yard.

  6. Happy first day of school - I hope that the years starts off on a good note!!!
    I loved your line about "I love being a grown-up." Me, too!!! And, I can totally relate to the chips and the need to try and run them off.

    1. Thanks, I had a great day at work and had a grown up drink when I got home. :)

  7. You're super smart for prewriting some posts. I intended to do that before I went back to school, and my draft folder is still empty. Oops. I hope your first day went well!

    1. Thanks Cassie, it was a fine day. Take 2 today!

  8. Looks like you had a great weekend! I hope your first day back went well :)

  9. I wish I could blog ahead of time. Mine suffers so much these first few weeks of school, as I'm sure you've noticed lol. It's just sooo hard to keep up!

    1. It's totally understandable! I am not as active on other blogs right now because I am busy during the day and then when I come home I want to hang out with Paul!
