
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The summer of NOTHING.

** Hey guys, sorry I didn't post pics or vids on how to do some of the moves from yesterday's post. I now realize that would probably have been a good idea. Don't worry, I'm on it! Looks like Paul gets to be a cameraman today. Lucky him??? **

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I did not have a very productive summer. I taught a couple piano lessons. I took my ACE test and passed it. We went to Colorado for six days. I even managed to get the lawn mowed once every month or so. Other than that, do you want to know what I did?

Watched a lot of Big Brother
Watched a lot of Survivor
I also watched The View, Nancy Grace, and Dr. Phil
Stayed up really late playing Logo Hero and 90s Quiz on my phone
Slept in
Cuddled the kitties
Messed around on the computer
Was very active on Big Brother message boards
Played cards with Paul
Read some good books

Sure, this is all fun stuff. I have not been bored. But I didn't accomplish anything. Fooling around on the internet for three hours every morning while I drink my coffee is relaxing but it is also a waste of time.

The truth is, this summer felt like limbo for us. We still don't know when Paul is having surgery. I'm scared to plan anything at all since we don't know what is going on with that. It was supposed to be on June 13th. It's exactly two months later and nothing. It's so frustrating. I'll be back at work in a week, so whenever he does have his surgery, now I will have to take off work so I can take care of him. I want to take care of him, but no work means I don't get paid. I wish I were allowed to use my sick days but I'm not allowed.

Sorry to complain about that. It's just the LOOMING thing I think about every day when I wake up. (I can't speak for Paul, only myself. But imagine how he feels.) I'm a planner. Every day this summer I have been afraid/anxious to wake up and get a phone call that pretty much changes our life for the good or the bad.

I don't know what the point of this post was except to say that summer is just about over and I feel like all I've been doing is treading water. I feel like my life has been stuck. It's like each day is the same as the next, nothing moves forward.

It was the summer of NOTHING.

Have you ever felt like your life has been stuck?
Teachers, did you have a productive summer?


  1. Hmm, not sure what i've accomplished either? I'm going to pretend this was a summer of transition for me. Working towards transitioning careers and transitioning from being a half marathoner to full marathon training.

  2. Hey you--I can only imagine how frustrating and challenging your whole ordeal has been. Know I am thinking of you & Paul. But guess what? I think you have accomplished a lot this summer! You started your business, you took a lovely vacation, you continued your blog which inspires people every day, you continued your running/training and you relaxed and recharged! Teaching is a very intense career so why not give your body a chance to slow down for a few months? You know our bodies make the most gains when we rest. So, there you go...I think you are fantastic and had a perfect summer. Hugs!

    1. Susan you are so nice. I like that- I should look at it as one long "rest" cycle from work and day to day stress. Thank you for giving me another perspective!

    2. Please see it this way because from my point of view you are nurturing your body and your soul.

  3. I think in comparison you've accomplished a bit more than I have, lol. Plus you've got your ACE certification, website up and you're on your way! It would be so frustrating sitting and waiting. I hope you guys get some answers real soon. :) P.s. I look forward to Paul's camera man work. :D

    1. Thanks Heather :) I hope you are having an awesome, relaxing summer. The video post may be a comedy of errors.

  4. Sorry to hear about the limbo you are in with waiting on the date(s) for your husband's surgery.
    I also feel like I am in a limbo too and have done nothing this summer. When we really analyze it, it seems sucky but it is still good that we get to reboot and take a look around. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!!

    1. I know you are feeling like limbo too.. Hang in there and continue to relax!

  5. Totally feeling the same way. I leave for COLLEGE on the 23rd and I have done nothing with my last summer. Nothing at all. I've been home everyday..blogging, working out, yogaing, and cooking. I love all those things, but I wanted this summer to be memorable too.

    1. Wow that is so exciting!!! I think no matter what you do this summer, your first semester will be even more exciting than summer.

  6. Waiting is never fun! It makes it so you always have that thing worrying you in the back of your mind and makes it hard to relax. Hopefully you'll find out about his surgery soon so your mind can go into plan mode. As much as I wish sometimes that I could just do nothing I know that my personality doesn't do well that way and I wind up feeling down. Try to just let yourself relax and accept the time for what it is, which might just be nothing right now but that's okay!

    1. Thanks Michele, I know you know exactly how I am feeling because I think we're wired similarly. :)

  7. Sounds like you were quite productive to me! I think we think the same way and can't let our brains completely relax. When I am sitting around on my computer, there's always a little voice in the back of my head telling me that I should be doing something more productive than wasting time. We deserve to waste time. What's that quote? "Time we enjoy wasting isn't wasted time," or something like that.

    I don't do well doing nothing. I start feeling badly about myself, like I am wasting my life away. But Saturday afternoon, I literally laid in bed doing NOTHING. No computer, no phone, just laying around. And Sunday I felt so well-rested and was able to have a much more productive day.

    1. I guess if we think of our life sort of like our training, it makes sense. Taking a rest day from exercise = a hard workout the next day. Taking a rest day from life = more productivity. Good point!

  8. Girlfriend, you hardly had an unproductive summer! You passed your ACE exams and started a business!!! You might have spent some time watching TV and surfing the Internet but I do a little of that every single day and still consider my day pretty productive! :) Plus blogging is part of your running your business now so you can check any time doing that off as WORK!

    1. I loooooooove blogging so much. I guess it is kind of part of my business! Oh, I am meeting with my FIRST CLIENT this weekend. SO EXCITED. :)

  9. Sometimes the summer (or time) of nothing is exactly what you need!!!
    Can you use the Family Leave Act for some of the time that you will have to take off?

    1. Yes, I use FMLA which guarantees my job, I just don't get paid. So really a shouldn't complain. Not everyone has that luxury!

  10. You just started up your personal training business, I would say that's pretty productive!! Summers are meant for rest and relaxation so it's okay if you weren't incredibly productive. I know I wasn't, the most I did was start marathon training and get a tan :)

    1. I love reading about your marathon training! :)

  11. I always end summer feeling like I got nothing done...even when I know I did. A new house? Training? Traveling? Check check check. But I just feel like I didn't use the time as wisely as I should have! I guess it's loss-of-free-time regret!

    1. Yes, you certainly did a lot! Maybe it is because when we compare it to what our lives are like during the school year, it is SO drastically different. Seriously. In 2 weeks I will be tired, busy, and stressed again and wishing I could sleep in and do nothing! :)

  12. You can't take paid time off to take care of your husband?! That is ridiculous. Seriously. How is that even a policy?! Sorry, now I'm all mad for you. I hope you enjoy your last little bit of break, doing all the things you listed.

    1. I can use my 3 personal days and still get paid but that is it. I really wish I could use my sick days because obviously I have a lot of those. Yeah, the last time he had brain surgery I had to take a personal day the day of his surgery. Isn't that CRAP? Should have been allowed to be a sick day because I was sick with WORRY the whole day.

  13. I think that is what summer is about--recharging--and you did accomplish a lot.
    That stinks about not being able to take paid time off for caring for your husband.
    Keep your chin up...Just like rest days are important in marathon training, they are important in life too!

    1. Very good point, Cheryl. I should try to think of it that way.

  14. Uncertainty and waiting are certainly no fun. :( I can't believe you're already going back to school. It seem like yesterday you were saying you were off for the summer. Don't beat yourself up by what you did or did not accomplish…I find that sometimes when I'm back in the swing of things I get a lot more accomplished then when I have all the time in the world.

    1. Yeah! When my to do list is long, I can get A LOT done. Day after day nothingness turns me into Ms. Lazypants
