
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Funday - Low Impact Deck of Cards Workout!

What is Sunday Funday you ask? Well, it's the day of the week I will share some new ideas for workouts. Most of you have your RUNday on Sunday. So after your long run, kick back with some carbs and check out the Sunday Funday workout you can use later in the week!

Today's Sunday Funday Workout is a low impact Deck of Cards workout. After a week of pounding the pavement, try this workout that will make you sweat, make you strong, and also give your joints a bit of a rest!

Hearts = Donkey Kicks
Diamonds = Bicycle Crunches
Spades = Plank with knee tuck
Clubs = Push ups

Any other ideas for exercises that are low impact?

Disclaimer: I am a personal trainer, but I am not YOUR personal trainer. These exercises are not prescriptions. Please check with your doctor before starting any workout program.


  1. These are all so great! As I am healing from my injuries, I am doing more body weight exercises as opposed to lifting actual weights. Another great low impact workout that gives some cardio, strength and stretching is a yoga flow workout. Even just 10 sun salutations is a nice little boost for the day. Happy Sunday.

    1. I have no clue what a sun salutation is so I will have to google that yoga pose!

  2. I'm sure you did a great job with the workout demos, however I was distracted and excited when Jelly popped into the scene AND Chrissy! LOL. Just kidding, I still made sure to check out the exercises. :) I love these Sunday Funday workouts!

    1. NO worries, I am always more excited to see animals rather than people :)

  3. I love your videos and couldn't help but notice during those donkey kicks that you have a nice butt lol

    I can definitely tell that you have experience as a performer because you're a natural on camera! Jelly is too!

    1. Jelly is normally sooooo shy. When the doorbell rings, he growls and runs under the bed. Yet apparently he was dying to be featured on MegGoRun. I am laughing at the butt comment. Paul would agree!!!

  4. I love the fact that one of your cats wanted to be in the video - so super cute!!!

    1. It's funny because Jelly is so shy. If he knew who was watching it would have been a different story. :)

  5. Love this! Maybe I will try this today since I ran 10 miles yesterday! :)
    I am always inspired by women who can do full push ups. I am working towards getting myself there!!!! I tried 5 the other day, I know it didn't look pretty but I was pretty psyched about those 5! :)

    1. That's awesome, 5 is good! You can always do modified push ups with your legs on a chair or something to assist you and it will help you get strong to do even MORE unassisted ones!
