
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Summer Weekly Workouts- LAST EDITION!

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This is my last Summer Weekly Workout installment.
The reason I started doing this was to share with you some of the workouts I do- running or otherwise. But I have to be honest, I get bored writing about the workouts I do every day! I enjoyed it better when I would randomly share a workout I did that I thought was interesting or I thought would give you some ideas for your own workouts.

What is the consensus? Readers, do you mind if I go back to that?

Here is what I was up to this week + 1 day...

Friday- 9 hot miles at Codorus State Park

Saturday- Impromptu 5k w/ a 2 mile cool down. Then chest, shoulders, triceps, abs in my living room while watching Dateline.

Sunday- 7 Miles of hills at Willow Mill Park.


Tuesday- A run I thought would be bad but it was actually good! 5 miles @ 8:21 pace.


Thursday-  5 miles, no Garmin run.


Pros- I did actual speed work on Saturday. Oh, and I rest day!

Cons- I am feeling... lost with my training. I don't know what my goals are so I don't know how to train for them. More on this soon.

How were your workouts this week?

Do you enjoy a weekly wrap up of each of my workouts or would you prefer I simply highlight the more "interesting" ones you could get ideas from?


  1. I used to do a weekly wrap up but then life got busy and I quit doing it, I do like being able to look back and see what I did. I don't plan things out well, so it always helps me to see what I already did.

    1. That is the good part- if you don't plan, you can at least see what you did and know if you are doing the right things whether you planned them out or not! I just get bored creating the pictures and writing up the blog posts about the workouts.

  2. Yes, keep doing the weekly workout wrap ups! I love them. You are such an inspiration.

    My training this week was good: 2 walk/runs (total 9 miles), 2 swims (total 3.1 miles), 2 bike rides (total 35 miles), 2 weight/abs sessions. Tomorrow is my rest. My weeks tend to look the same but I am OK with that. Helps me stay balanced and make sure I don't over work one area and neglect the other area.

    Have a MOST wonderful weekend. Just did a sunrise bike ride around my town.
    I finally got a motorcycle helmet so Rick and I are taking a Harley ride (I ride on the back of his bike) to Boulder for Farmer's Market and picnic at Chatauqua Park in Boulder. Beyond excited.

    1. That is a good balanced weeks of workouts, Susan! Whenever you tell me about your swimming, it makes me want to do it. But it would require paying $40 for a gym instead of $10! BOULDER!!!??? Have a BLAST! As you know, I am quite fond of Boulder. :)

    2. I know you love Boulder probably as much as I do! So if you and Paul ever make it back to Colorado we will meet you there. It did not disappoint. People watching in full force on the Pearl Street Mall.

      I wish you could find a more reasonable place to swim. It really is such a good, all over workout .... with no pounding (which is what my body loves).

      Hey, have a great Sunday.

    3. It's a deal! I think I want to stay in Boulder the next time we go. I feel like there is so much more to do up there that we didn't!

  3. Hey, it's your blog -- do what you want! I like weekly recaps, but I also like it when you feature one unique workout that I can steal. :) I can't wait to hear about your plan to get rid of that lost feeling!

    1. Oh I don't have a plan YET. I was going to write something and hope for some help from you guys. :)

  4. I like the weekly wrap but also understand the time factor. I thick that no matter how you do it people will keep reading!!!
    This was a good week of training for me - good runs and plenty of strength work.

    1. Great! Glad you got in some awesome runs and strength. :) Strong = fast!

  5. I enjoy your weekly workout recaps. :) I also like when you post a workout I might like to try. :) Cat pictures are always good too, ;)

    1. Darnit! Everyone likes the weekly list! Hahaha. Glad you like cat pics because I sure do like Lola pics.

  6. Personally, I enjoy reading about people's work outs and it is fun the first couple of weeks. After a few weeks, I don't seem to enjoy them that much. I also feel the same way when I do weekly recaps about training. It's tough to balance. I personally enjoy writing about either a bad run or a really great run :) :)
    PS~ At first, when I saw "last edition: - I thought it meant that your school year was starting!

    1. Ooh well it is the last for 2 reasons- school, and i am just sick of it hehehe
