
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Open For Business: Megan Michael Training!

Great news! I have finally completed everything on my "to do" list to get my personal training business up and running!

And now, making it's Meg Go Run debut...

A web designer I am not, so I would like to personally thank Kristina @ Blog About Running & Life (what is this girl not good at!?)  and my brother Tyler for giving me some excellent tips for my website. I really appreciate it!

I'm so excited and nervous to take on this new endeavor! I probably won't be able to sleep for a week because my mind will keep spinning...

Check out my website if you have the time! And of course, if you live in the Camp Hill/Harrisburg/West Shore area and you know of anyone who is looking for a personal trainer, send them my way!

Are you good at designing web pages?
Do you get nervous when you start something new?


  1. LOVE the new site and congratulations on this new journey. Starting something new is always a bit scary & makes you nervous but that is OK.

    So excited to follow along with you!

    1. Thank you, Susan! :) As soon as it is not "new" anymore I am sure I won't be as anxious!

  2. Congrats! I love the website, especially the colors. Classy!

  3. Congratulations! The website looks amazing and I cannot wait to watch you go through this new journey!

  4. Woop!! Congrats!!! I'm setting up a business website too but I'm terrible at it...I never know what to include! Yours looks great!

    1. I didn't know what to do either so what I did is get ideas from like 50 other personal training websites! What is your business? Whatever it is, I'd say just go look at a bunch of websites of your type of business and get ideas. :)

  5. Congrats! I designed a Web page in college MANY years ago nd then one time for teaching purposes I designed a Web quest but I wouldn't even remember how to do that now!

    1. Oh I totally had to use a website creator with templates and everything.

  6. Very cool site! It's very clean and classy. Congrats on this big accomplishment Meg! This is a very big deal :D

  7. Congrats Meg!!!!!!!! So happy for you :)

  8. Congratulations! The new website looks great…keep us posted on how business is going! How are you going to do both teaching and this? Side job type of thing?

    1. This is def a "side hustle" as you would call it. :) I teach full time during the school year and I also have 9 piano students all year long... so now this is my 3rd job I guess???? Hehehe. I will never give up my teaching job. I need the benefits.

  9. YAY congrats on the site!!!! I barely did anything, but thank you for the shout out :)

    I am going to hire you this winter to write a weight training plan to go along with my ultra training! Finding the balance of wanting to lift heavy, but also wanting to run without being crazy sore is definitely a challenge for me!

    1. That is a BIG challenge, I agree! Even lifting during marathon training is hard to balance.

  10. This is fantastic! I love your website and the design. I especially love the photo of you doing a squat with the dumbbell, you look gorgeous and strong. Congrats! I can't wait to book a consultation with and get started with a training program. I've decided that this August is the beginning to a "do over" for me!
