
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

8 Things I'm Loving Right Now!

1. Reading. I rediscover my love of reading during the summer and it tends to fall to the wayside once the school year starts. This year, I am determined to make the time to continue reading for pleasure. There is no reason not to. I have the time if I want to have the time. I read some awesome books this summer... Most recently: Gone Girl, Sharp Objects, Reconstructing Amelia, and a good 'ol reread of The Catcher in the Rye.

2. Nachos! Lately, my dinners have been the healthiest form of nachos I can manage to make. My favorite recipe: tortilla chips, chicken breast, shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, cilantro, peppers from the garden, and taco sauce. It's SO GOOD!

3. Cooler weather. As soon as I type this, I am sure it is going to get scorching again. But I feel like in the last couple weeks, there were several days here and there where it wasn't too hot out and I could actually run without wanting to die.

4. Zach & Caleb on Big Brother 16. I am sure I have mentioned a couple times how much I love the television show Big Brother. This season, it is really hard to like some of the house guests, let alone love them. But there are two that are really tickling my fancy this year.

Zach Rance
Why I love Zach: He is hilarious, emotional, antagonistic, immature, and silly.

Caleb Reynolds
Why I love Caleb: He still thinks he's in an alliance that crumbled over a month ago. He also calls himself "Beast Mode Cowboy". ALL. THE TIME.

5. My husband's chili. Ground turkey, fresh tomatoes and peppers from the garden, corn, lotsa beans and spices. I know chili is more of a fall recipe but who cares!?

Yeah, this picture makes it look like barf. 
This is one of the many reasons I am not a food blogger.

6. High waisted patterned palazzo pants with a cropped top. Say that five times fast! I am looking for the perfect pair of palazzo pants but they are hard to find. The ones I tried on that looked good were too long and would need some major hemming. As for the cropped top, I fear I am too old for that look. I am sure there would be one or two places it would be appropriate... like maybe a party. But I can't remember the last time I was at a party!

This is the look I'm going for.

7. Cheesy Garlic Bread flavored Lay's potato chips. I got these for my husband and his friends to munch on during their fantasy football draft. Of course I had to try them! They really do taste like garlic bread!

8. This comic from The Oatmeal. Truth.
Tell us something you're loving right now!


  1. What did you think of Sharp Objects? I loved Gone Girl but heard Sharp Objects was even more disturbing. Would love you know what you think before I decide to read it or not :)

    Right now I am loving peaches! We are on our 2nd (20#) box this summer. We kind of can't get enough. Palisade peaches from Colorado are a bit of heaven on earth.

    1. Sharp Object is definitely more disturbing, but I am not disturbed very easily so it wasn't like disgusting on anything like that. There was actually one part that REALLY creeped me out. It is a good read but not as good as Gone Girl in my opinion. I love peaches! But I don't eat them a lot because they are never on sale.

    2. That is what my sister said and she was one that liked Girl with Dragon Tattoo which I did not read due to "warnings" from 2 friends. Still don't know what to do -- LOL. If you were here I would make you my latest creation of peaches cooked into oatmeal topped with cinnamon. Seriously like dessert for breakfast!

  2. I love that comic from The Oatmeal! The other day someone told me that since I wasn't planning to have kids of my own I should absolutely sign up for Big Brothers Big Sisters or look into fostering a child so that my life could have some purpose. I think both of those options are really great for some people, but I'm pretty positive they are not a good fit for me. It is slightly upsetting to know my life will have no purpose though! :D

    1. I am laughing so hard. How could our lives POSSIBLY have purpose without having children or fostering a child? What a huge insult!

    2. Ugh...seriously?!? I feel (FOR ME) my life has MY purpose without kids. I followed my heart and have never looked back.

      Honestly (and I hope this doesn't cause an uproar) but I think that some people that have a hard time with childless couples are maybe a bit envious. Not everyone but some....

    3. Susan, I agree. I mean, it would definitely be a very small percentage. My beef is when people say I am "lucky" I don't have kids and can do what I want with my free time. It's not luck. It's a choice!

    4. Lucky is one of those words that I really have a hard time with. You are right, luck has nothing to do with's called choice and hard work!

  3. I lost posts like this!!! :) I'm looking for a white chili recipe to make this fall!! I had one last year and it was super yummy! Plus chili with sour cream is yummy :)
    Gone Girl is on my to-read list! My to-read list just keeps getting longer :)

  4. I read all of Gillian Flynn's books last summer. I couldn't stop. I was addicted. Crop tops are definitely NOT my thing. I wish I could pull them off, but I know that I absolutely could not. My dad makes chili almost every week for family dinner. I am pretty sure he doesn't know how to make anything else. ;-) I wish we had fresh peppers from the garden though!

    1. I could not get through Dark Places. I read the first two chapters then quit. I WANTED to like it though.

  5. I like Gillian Flynn's books because they aren't predictable!!!
    I keep looking at the new pants but I just can't do it - about 15-20 years ago they were in too and it was such a short lived thing. Maybe I will cave and get a pair but...

    1. It's tough because I don't want to buy them and then have them go right back out of style! If I get some, they will be an el cheapo pair. ;) ps. I remember when I was in middle school they were really popular! Along with chokers and peasant blouses.

  6. I actually considered making nachos tonight before I read this post!!! :0 I made chilli recently too....and it didn't bother me at all that it is a fall recipe, lol. I think I would look like a garden gnome in a pair of those pants. I need to grow probably another foot taller to pull that look off, lol. You would look super cool in them I bet!

    1. No no just put on some high wedge sandals and voila!

  7. Nachos. I could eat them DAILY.

    Those many teachers are wearing patterned pants to work. I feel like I want some, but will I regret it when I look at photos in a couple years?

    I've been devouring the In Death series by JD Robb. I know they're basically just murder mystery romance novels (I mean, they're by Nora Roberts!), but they are AMAZING and such quick reads!

    1. I am definitely wondering how long the trend will be around. But then again, it did take me like 5 years to start to wear leggings and they are STILL around! (and I wear them to work ALL winter) I never heard of the Death series. I am definitely into murder (ahaha) but not romance.

  8. OMG cheesy garlic bread flavored potato chips?!?! That sounds epic.

    I just read that you gave up on Dark Places, right after I was about to recommend it! That one is actually my favourite of her books.

    1. I really wanted to like it, the plot sounded perfect- something I would read. It was the writing style I just could not get into.
