
Thursday, August 28, 2014

3 Things That Are Plaguing Me

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Lately, there are a couple things that have been bothering me that are fitness related. Pull up a chair so I can unload my problems on you! If you have any advice or words of wisdom, I would love to hear it!

1. Guys, I hate stretching so much. I try to make it more enjoyable while watching TV while I stretch, but that only helps a little. I dread coming home from a run and devoting even just 10 minutes to stretching.

I used to never stretch, but I started doing it regularly about a year ago. Then I got lax about and and probably only did it 1/3 of the time. Last week, I recommitted myself to stretching and while I'm proud to say I'm doing it, I'm still hating it.

Every time I psych myself up to stretch, I think: "Would you rather stretch for ten minutes at home or drive to physical therapy twice a week?" That gets my butt in the living room to stretch.

2. I need new shoes... but they don't make my shoes anymore! I wear Mizuno Wave Riders, but the last version of Wave Riders that I liked were Wave Rider 15s. They changed the 16s so much that they don't even feel like "my shoes" anymore. Several months ago, I ordered some 15s off eBay so I was okay for awhile. But now I need new shoes and I can't find any 15s in my size because everyone has moved on... except me. It plagues me to have to find new shoes! I have been wearing Wave Riders for EIGHT YEARS. I really should have bought like twenty pairs when I had the chance...

3. I miss trail running! I am so weary to do it in the summer because I HATE snakes. Some summers, I get over myself and run on the trail several times a week. This summer, I have not gotten over myself yet. My last time on the trail was early June when I did a long run with a bunch of friends. (Groups of people scare snakes away.) I suppose I should organize a group trail run so I have some protection against those scary snakes!

What's plaguing you?
Do you like stretching?
How do you feel about snakes?
Have they ever changed your shoes so much that they're not even your shoes anymore?


  1. I hate stretching as well....I know it's valuable but I always feel like it's a waste of time (even though I KNOW it isn't). Snakes----> :0 Every time I see one on the trail I freeze and come to a complete halt. If I'm with my bike, I get brave and try to take photos, that way I can just zoom away. The other day I rode my bike over an already dead snake. It was pure grossness. :S

    1. Ewwww you know I don't even like seeing them on my bike either. :)

  2. I really like stretching! I think it feels so good, but it can be really time consuming. I find that I'm much more likely to commit to a good, long stretch if I am in the gym. When I get home from running outside I usually skip some stretches or hold them for shorter time periods. Too many distractions at home!

    1. See I am BETTER at home because I can watch TV :)

  3. I love stretching but have learned through PT that too much stretching of the wrong muscles can be just as bad as no stretching. I am not supposed to stretch my hamstrings. They feel tight but that is because they are over worked and being pulled on by my sway back. I also learned that for now, I need to stay away from pigeon pose in yoga because it only worsens my external hip rotation. Ugh...

    1. What good things to know! I wonder if I am doing any stretches that are bad for me. I do hammies, hip flexors, and IT band religiously now.

  4. I don't lift weights but I love stretching! Probably cus I can do it laying down..haha. It's funny how I DO stretch yet I still have so many problems!

    1. lol I think as runners we are just DOOMED to have problems no matter what we do. Unless we stopped running. :)

  5. I hate stretching too. Even though it feels so good when I actually do it. I don't know what it is. I think I just don't have the patience. Even though I can literally sit on my computer staring at the screen for hours, something about stretching just makes me so bored.

    1. YES to everything you just said. We have the exact same feelings!

  6. Snakes don't really bother me but that might be because I grew up in west TX and did lots of runs on country roads!!!
    Lately I've been rotating between several different Mizunos because I hate when I get hooked on a pair and then can't find any just like them!

    1. Ooh I bet there are way more snakes in TX than PA!

  7. I stretch in the shower (TMI, I know) but I could stand in a shower all day...kind of justifies it.
    I had 5 of the exact same pair of Brooks Adrenalines for about 2 years. I would always rotate a new pair in, keep an old pair for walking, etc. I had marks on them with Sharpies so I could keep track...
    Not too many snakes out in NH--nothing dangerous, only the occasional garter...
    I worry about skunks...

    1. That is a great idea to stretch in the shower! I do stretch my hammies in there but that is as far as it goes. I should just embrace it :)

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your sneakers! Sneakers are so important to us! I think I would be crying!!! I hope you find a great new shoe though!!!! :)
    I think I am quite the opposite here - I loooooooove to stretch! I also do it in the shower, if I am in rush, it feels so good with the water! :)

  9. I avoid stretching like I'm allergic to wonder I'm so sore all the time!! I just want to believe I don't need it lol!
