
Saturday, August 23, 2014

10 Day You Challenge

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Kristen @ Sweat Courage started a blog series- 10 Day You Challenge.

Yes, I am a leeeeeettle late on this one. But since summer is over and I am no longer going to be doing my Summer Weekly Workouts (I am sorry, I get bored posting all my workouts!), I thought this would be something fun to do once a week to replace that! Check back this Sunday to see how I am going to continue to inspire and motivate you with different fun workouts without me having to post every single one of my own.


Today is 10 Secrets!

This one is going to be a little difficult. I don't think I have 10 secrets. And if it is a secret I haven't told you yet, chances are, I don't want you to know about it! Okay, I will be quiet now and try to think of 10 secrets to tell you...

1. Sometimes I read things just to get mad and annoyed. There are certain blogs I lurk on and read just to make myself annoyed. There are certain people I keep as my Facebook friends even though I really want to delete them. I just take such pleasure in being annoyed by their posts. Is this bad to do provided I do it in moderation? Oh, I also listen to things to get mad. On the way home from work, I listen to a conservative radio show just to get ANGRY. Sometimes I'll be driving home from a long, difficult day in the classroom, and on the show they are just TRASHING teachers and teacher unions. Why do I listen to that crap just to get fired up? I don't get it.

2. I like when I find Christmas and Jelly's claws laying around the house. I love to pinch them between my fingers to break them. I don't know why it is so satisfying, but it is.

3. I drink coffee every morning and have an alcoholic drink every evening. One day coffee and red wine are good for you and the next day they are bad. So according to the experts, I am doing okay half the time.

4. I purposefully cut my toenails down REALLY low so that they are only slivers. If they are not super short, my toenails get sore while I'm running and eventually fall off. It's sort of a "get them before they get me" mentality. When you see my toenails painted, it is mostly skin that is painted. It's an illusion, guys.

5. In first grade, I cheated on a spelling test. I hid my spelling book open in my desk and used it to distinguish between the words "which" and "witch". I did not get caught and I never cheated again, even though I don't remember feeling bad about it. Although, I don't think a 6 year old would feel bad about something like that.

6. Paul and I (yup, throwing Paul under the bus on this one!) have watched every single season of Big Brother. We love the show! It is such a guilty pleasure for us.

7. I have a ton of Christmas decorations. They are my downfall. I have actually been pretty good these past couple years and only bought one or two new decorations to add to my collection. I wish you could see my house November-January. It is very merry here!

8. In the summer, I don't get bored. I find stuff to keep me busy. I'm not saying it's productive stuff, but I always have something to do!

9. I am getting more and more grey hair. I used to cover it with cheapo boxed dye... whatever was on sale. But I have some stingy roots, fly aways, and hair around my temples that come glaring through just two weeks or so after I dye my hair.

10. I don't keep in touch with any friends from college. I had two girls I hung out with a lot, but we did not stay in touch at all.
Tell me a secret!
Did you ever cheat on a test?
Do you have a guilty pleasure TV show?
Ever read blogs or stalk Facebook friends just to get fired up?


  1. I totally creep certain people's facebook just to get fired up! LOL. I sometimes feel guilty about it but now that I know you do too, it's all good. ;) Confession: I creep race results to see how certain people I know did....even if I don't know them that well. I just want to make sure they didn't beat my time...LOL. How awful?!

    1. You know what, I have done that too! Not often, but I would say maybe 2-3 times a year I creep on race results. I don't know why because I don't really care if someone is faster than me. There are a billion people out there faster than me. I guess in those couple weak moments I do care. :)

  2. My secret: I used to smoke (for 18 years) and was addicted to Mtn. Dew and candy. This was from 18-36 and all this time I ran, worked out, got a degree in Nutrition, etc. I actually did not want to quit but knew I had to and sometimes I still miss it! Yes, I cheated on a test in high school chemistry :) My guilty TV shows are the shows that go around to the different food carts all over the USA. And, I totally have 2 sites I visit and they get me really fired up. What is that all about?!? I am glad I am not the only one who does it though. LOL.

    1. Wow those are some good secrets Susan, you just spilled your guts. :) Did you get caught cheating on your test? Do you crave a cigarette when you smell them? Are the sites you visit blogs? :)

    2. LOL--yes, I totally don't "look" or act like I would smoke. I did it in private and honestly loved it. When I smell them first lit I crave them. Or just if it's a random time I think "I would love a cigarette". I did not get caught cheating but actually did really bad on the test. Karma! And yes, they are blogs. Not this one!! LOL. I love your blog and know we would be instant friends in real life!!

    3. I am sure there are a few people who read this just to hate but I did not figure you were one of them. :) I wonder if the blogs we read to get mad are the same? Probably!

    4. Do you want me to email you?!? LOL. They may be the same!! Now I am totally curious :)

    5. Yes... If you share your secret blog hate I'll share mine. :)

    6. check your email :)

  3. Please take pictures of your house when November comes!!! I love Christmas decorations, I think they are beautiful. I LOVE snowmen, gingerbread and reindeer! It drives my husband crazy when I see a new decoration. We live in a small apartment and we don't have any more space for decorations! I need a house :)
    Love that you started this challenge. I just posted my "7 wants." I've been slacking!

    1. Oh don't worry, I will post lots of pictures!!!!! I am glad someone else shares my love of Christmas decorations. It makes my house feel so homey. :) Don't worry, one day you will have more room with a house and you will be able to go craaaaaazy with decorations!!!!

  4. #1 ... YES! I read conservative articles that get me angry and then I scroll down to the comments section to get even more fired up. My master's thesis was a rhetorical analysis of Glenn Beck's tv show and books. I clearly get off on being angry at conservative politics! My heart starts beating so fast because I'm that angry ... it's a cheap "thrill" hah!

    1. There must be something in us humans that makes us love reading things that fire us up from time to time. It may be for the cheap thrill, like you said!

    2. I get really fired up about that too Kristina! Wait until closer to the election and all the Facebook stuff....ugh, dreading it and yet know I will read it and just comment out loud to my husband.

  5. I think we all have friends on Facebook that we like to keep around to read when we need to get angry/annoyed. I had one friend who was in a play with me and she has the mentality of a 7-year-old when really she is 25. She posts literally 46 times a day (maybe more) and I used to read her statuses out loud like bad poetry. It made me feel better about my life. I'm a terrible person. She has since deleted me from Facebook because I didn't like a post that said, "Like this status or I am deleting you." But nothing on her page is private, so I can go read them any time I like without my newsfeed being nothing but her status updates like it used to be. Best of both worlds. I'm going to hell.

    1. LOL this is all so funny. I am not surprised you met this psycho in a musical. Haven't you found that most people who do drama are extremely DRAMATIC. That's one reason I don't do shows much anymore. I'm 32 and I ACT 32. Most people that do musicals are in their early 20s and act like teenagers. It's awesome you can still see her stuff!!

  6. I'm with you on several of these!!!
    I have some FB "friends" who I only stay friends with because of the pleasure I take in being annoyed with their ridiculous posts!!
    No coffee for me but I do have a cocktail/glass of wine almost every day!!
    I cut my toenails super short, too - it drives Chris crazy!!
    And, I'm right there with you on the Christmas decorations - I have a tree in every room and it makes me super happy!!!

    1. LUCKY!!! We used to have 3 trees- A mini tree I keep up all year that I set on a record cabinet. It has cat ornaments on it. Then I also had one real tree and one fake tree until last year... It got to the point with the cats it was too much work. ARGH! Ironic because my cat is named Christmas. :)

  7. Awesome! I sometimes read stuff just to get mad, but I can't listen to talk radio to get mad. Just can't, it's too much! That sort of thing MUST be done in moderation or we go nuts I think! I also don't really keep in touch with people from college. Through fb a bit, but not the way I thought I would.

    1. I am glad to know I'm not the only one who does it at least a little bit. :)

  8. I keep my toenails short but not short enough to show skin! Isn't that uncomfortable?

    I hate listening to conservative talk shows etc but I do read articles about things that piss me off. I know I shouldn't but...ignorance may be bliss, but it's ignorance! I want to know what the other side is saying!

    1. No because I think if you just cut them shorter and shorter each time you just get used to it. These toenails are like 12 years in the making hahaha.
