
Saturday, June 28, 2014

When I'm sad I ...

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-drink fake surgery drinks

-add salt to my food

-don't like talking to people who are super happy

-let my house get messy

-don't log my calories

-drink wine

-can't sleep

-eat croutons straight out of the bag and cheese right off the block

-don't care whether or not my knee hurts

-pet my kitty cats

Jelly can always cheer me up!
What do you do when you're sad?


  1. I have a saying I use when I am sad, upset, anxious or just trying to make it thru a travel day....."whatever it takes". I literally do (within reason) whatever I need to to get me through.

    1. Thankfully, no. I work at HP and actually work from home 3 days per week and go into the office 2 days per week. Rick and I travel a few times per year and sometimes the days are long so I can get a little cranky. This is when I basically eat and drink my way through the day until we get to our destination :)

  2. Meg! I hope that you wrote this post a long time ago and are not sad today.

    Whenever I am sad I read a book, watch a TV show or watch a movie to take my mind off of it for a while. I know avoiding the problem isn't always the best idea, but it gives my mind a little time to process whatever happened so that I can deal with it properly.

    1. I'm the same way, after I eat croutons lol. I know I'm REALLY sad when I don't even want to go on a run!

  3. Like Kristina, I hope you aren't feeling this sad right now.
    Depending on why I'm sad - sometimes being with others helps and sometimes just holing up by myself and giving in to a funk helps!!!

    1. Both of those strategies are definitely valid. I tend to hole up because I am such a talker and if I see people, I fear I will dump my problems on them and would be a downer.

  4. Meg, hope you're doing okay :) I've had a crazy week and I sort of eat the same as when I'm sad and stressed: I ate two donuts this week! Two donuts!!! LOL. And So basically, when I'm sad/stressed I eat crap. The end!

    1. lol well at least you are a machine and will surely use that sugar and carb energy for something good! I think you are done with school soon- YAY!!!!!

  5. me too me too! i literally was nodding my head the entire time i was reading through this list. i might as well of put a check mark next to each one :)
