
Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Sometimes I sit down to write a Weekend Wrap Up and I feel so overwhelmed. I did so much this weekend and took so little pictures that I don't even know where to begin. So I'm going to do something a little different. For each day this weekend, I am going to give you 1 Triumph and 1 Failure. That way I don't bore you with an extremely long, picture-less wrap up, but you still get the jist of what I was up to!



I did the most "Healthy Living Blogger-ish" thing I ever did... 
I harvested fresh cilantro from my garden and made guacamole.
Just call me Martha Stewart.


I got bit 4 times by mosquitoes during the mere 5 minutes I was out in my garden.


I ran 18 miles on the Appalachian Trail. I haven't run trail in over 6 months, but
I didn't trip or fall during the entire 5 hours! (Re-cap and pics tomorrow!)


I forgot all the programs for the recital my piano students performed that afternoon.


I weeded, mowed the back yard, cleaned dead leaves out of... everywhere, cleaned out the shed,
took out the trash, got rid of all the vines taking over our fence, cleaned off the back porch, cleaned
out the carport.... If it was outside and needed tended to, I did it!


Paul and I were playing cards while I was sipping my wine. "This wine tastes like soap," I declared.
"Well, it is really bubbly..." Paul observed.
It turns out, I didn't properly rinse out the wine glass when I washed it so there was 
still dish detergent in it. It tasted like soap because... there was soap in it. Oops.

Tell me a Triumph and a Failure from your weekend!


  1. Triumph: I got a free session at my chiropractor.
    Fail: I broke my phone :(

    Good post idea!

    1. That is an awesome triumph and a sucky fail! :(

  2. I just looked up that movie because I had not heard of it and by reading the description I could tell it would be a tear jerker! I don't think I could handle a movie like that right now!

  3. I am super excited to hear about your trail run. 18 miles is what I do in a week+. Wow.
    I will do my triumph/fail for this morning. Triumph: rocked out a 14.2 mile bike ride bright and early. Fail: it was only 40 degrees and I didn't dress warm enough so my fingers and toes were frozen. How many cups of coffee will it take me today to properly warm up!?!

    1. Oh no! Where do you live Susan that it is 40 degrees right now?

    2. Colorado! We had a really rainy day on Sunday so the overnight low dropped (it's been in the mid 50's). Just didn't register that it was going to be that much colder so I was out there in my shorts. BRRR. But I am so stubborn I stayed out there as long as I could!

    3. It's been so humid here the past couple days. Hope some warmer weather is coming your way!

    4. Colorado weather is funny. We have such a variety of weather so one day it's raining and by today we are back into the high 70s / low 80s. Our summers are wonderful. It gets hot but very dry here so once you find shade, life is good. Plus I love summer so you will never hear me complain about 90+ degrees. I complain all...winter....long and I don't want to be a jerk so even if it gets really hot I keep my mouth zipped :)

    5. I'm a Colorado girl, too... I couldn't believe I was wishing for gloves in JUNE on my run this morning. :)

    6. Hey Cassie--crazy, huh? But I love our weather. Where are you located? I'm in Loveland.

  4. 18 miles is SO MANY!!! How is your knee feeling? All good?!

    1. IT band was soooooooooooore during. Knee feels fine now!

  5. If you can read the book, I say read the book. It's a young adult book but John Green is an excellent writer. Quick read. Then go see the movie which I am sure is awesome!

  6. I can't imagine running 18 trail miles! That's awesome and I can't wait to read your recap!!

    1. My body definitely wasn't quite ready for it!

  7. Love this post idea, may pull a blogger steal here. Favorite triumph is Appalachian Trail, can't wait to read about it. Favorite failure was soap in the wine glasses, funny because we have all done it and all had the same reaction lol.

    1. lol I didn't know everyone did the soap in the wineglass thing but now I feel a bit better!

  8. I love this post idea. I can't wait to hear about your trail run. 18 trail miles is impressive! And I have definitely tasted soap before because I'm bad at rinsing dishes. Usually it's in my water bottle, and I'm driving or something so I can't fix it. :)

    1. lol well if my only option was soapy wine, these days I prob would've just drank it with the soap but luckily I had a whole box hehe

  9. Ha, I have done that wine glass thing before! 18 miles is seriously impressive - well done :)

    1. Thank you! It was definitely a challenge and I am still feeling it.

  10. Mad props to you on your run and cilantro harvesting. ;) I've done the soap thing too many

  11. I looooove cilantro. I might come raid your garden!!

    I can't wait to hear all about the trail run!
