
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thinking Out Loud: Things I Just Can't Handle...

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Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up! Sometimes my TOL posts are random thoughts and sometimes they have a theme. 

Today's theme is.... 

We all have those little things that annoy the crap out of us. Since it's fun to complain and it's fun to make lists, I thought I would share with you some of the things I just can't handle...

  1. Gum chewing. I will crush your face in if you chew gum around me. However there is a very small percentage of people in which I don't mind when they chew gum. But it's a very small percent, and you probably don't want to take the risk.
  1. People who make smacking noises with their mouth when they're eating. Again, I will crush your face.
  1. Whistlers. There is a whistler at Planet Fitness and my extreme hatred toward him makes me run faster on the treadmill. (Why is it always older men who whistle?)

  1. People who sniff their nose instead of blow their nose. The worst thing in the world is when a Sniffer gets on a cardio machine beside you. You either have to interrupt your workout to move to a different machine or put up with the sniffing. Either way, your life is ruined.
  1. The sound of cracking knuckles or other body parts. I don't know why it bugs me so badly but I urge make Paul warn me before he goes cracking anything.
Did you notice my list is entirely made up of bodily sounds? There is a word for this. It is called Misophonia. I'm glad this affliction has a name so instead of being labeled an irrational bitch, I can be labeled a “Misophonia Suferer”.
Tell me something you just can't handle! We can bond over our shared annoyances!


  1. The food chewing is pretty bad. Sometimes it's really quiet and my husband will be eating a banana. UGH. I try not to say anything then I am like "how's that banana"? But honestly, what probably drives me crazy the most is ignorance & intolerance. Ignorance around election time makes me want to get off of Facebook and intolerance and people claiming to be Christian and yet being so judgmental of others and how they choose to live their lives.

    But on a less serious note: I would drive you crazy if we were in the same room because I don't "try" to crack my joints but it seems every move I make cracks something. You should hear me go up stairs. Sigh....42 is a very noisy age to be :)

    Have a great day!

    1. I'm with you, around election time, I want to unfriend certain people because I can't take the ignorance! You have me laughing... 42 being "noisy"!

    2. Yes, super noisy, Meg. I seriously can crack most every joint. Girl got skills!

  2. Haha yeah I have creaky joints that just crack on their own. My elbows, knee, sometimes even my feet crack without doing anything. I'm not even sure what annoys me, sometimes it's a lot of stuff. Mostly rudeness: people interrupting you when you're talking, there's this one person that will burst into my office when I'm at work even when I have my door closed and just DOESNT get it when I tell her that I have my door closed when I'm busy and don't want to be interrupted...and sometimes JP will start talking to me if he gets up really early in the morning and I'm still asleep. I can't help but yell at him! Why do people sound 10x louder when you're asleep or really tired even if they're talking in a normal voice?

    1. He talks to you when you're still asleep!? Bad husband!!!! Paul tucks me in each night because I go to bed before him, and we chat a little bit at that point. Sometimes he gets too loud when I'm trying to wind down and I have to say, "Keep it down, bud." I can't believe your co-worker busts in when your door is closed. I would hate that. Fire them immediately. ;)

  3. I must have misophonia too because all of the things on your list made me cringe so hard ESPECIALLY #2 and #5. I have to have the TV/radio/etc. during meals at home because I cannot stand the sound of people chewing at all.

    Cecil has absolutely no manners and chews with his mouth open!!! Bad cat! :)

    1. You will laugh at this I bet, but I LOVE when I can hear Christmas and Jelly chewing. Seriously, any sound they make is so adorable to me. Chewing, sneezing, snoring, licking... love it. No misophonia when it comes to the kitties.

    2. You're a better cat mom than me! I have to walk away when Cecil eats his wet food... and it makes me uncomfortable when he snores too. The sound doesn't really bother me, but I get so worried that he's not getting enough oxygen that I usually wake him up!

  4. I think gum chewing is the most disgusting thing. Think about it, why would we want to just smack something around in our mouths without chewing it?

    I can't stand when people talk with their mouth full of food. My grandmother does this and I hate it but I suspect after 85 years she will never change even if I say something to her about it.

    Also, Soup slurppers (is that a word?) bother me.

    1. LOL my brother is not only a soup slurper but he clangs his teeth on the spoon in the process!

  5. Ugh, the eating noises! I usually allow my students to snack in class, but I've had a few whom I've banned from snacking because they make gross noises and I can't even handle it. I do chew gum pretty much all the time, though. I have this fear of being known as THAT teacher who always has coffee breath, and I'm not giving up coffee, so I chew gum. My seniors this last year made fun of me for it.. they said I had a "pack-a-day gum addiction."

    1. HS kids eating = ewwwwwww I am sure!!!! Get this, since it is the last week of school, the 2nd grade teachers were letting the kids do things they're not normally allowed to do as a special treat. Like one day they were allowed to use ink pens. Well, I guess the one day was GUM CHEWING day and a whole class of 2nd graders showed up at my door SMACKING gum. First of all, why send your students to music with gum in the first place- we don't sing while chewing gum! And second, I would not have been able to stand that so I had them all spit their gum out immediately. Sorry, don't care that it's a "reward". It's my room. And I don't think 7 year olds should have gum in school, reward or otherwise. I'm a GRINCH. :)

  6. Haha I totally crack my knuckles. I don't know what my pet peeves are! I think mostly spelling issues or getting phrases wrong in such a way that they make zero sense.

    1. The grammar stuff bothers me if it's glaring but I am sure I am guilty of it from time to time. In fact, when I have typos in my blog my mom emails me to let me know lol.

  7. I hate all of those things too! I always can't stand when people scrape their fork across their teeth when they eat. The noise terrible and it's just not necessary!

    1. Ew that noise gives me goosebumps- good one!

  8. Hahaha! I detest bodily sounds if any kind! I am s gum chewer though, lol. It annoys me when some people have something to add to every story you they've experienced EVERYTHING at least once, and better than you. Eye roll

    1. You hit it right on the nose. I was talking to someone today who straight up interrupted me to go on about themselves. I was like.. well, okay, this is going to be a one sided conversation. I don't get it. A convo is two people, not just one!

  9. ugh. slurpping. it's the worst. and my husband somehow finds a way to slurp almost everything. including watermelon. not sure how he does it! drives me crazy.

    1. Ew that is terrible! He probably slurps up all the water in it hehe

  10. People just GET IN YOUR DESK? I can't imagine just getting in someone's desk! My very close friend is the gym teacher so sometimes if I am in the gym rehearsing with students and I need a pen or tape or something, I take it off her desk because she has told me many times before I can borrow if I am up there and need it, and only then do I take what I can see, I'd never go through drawers!


    During testing, I am like a crazy lady with tissues. If ANY students sniffle during tests, I bestow them with lots of Kleenex. As a kid it always was so distracting, so I try to nip it in the bud.

    1. lol you are my hero. I don't let them sniff either. I hear a sniff and I stop everything and go, "WHO NEEDS A TISSUE???" haha
