
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Winner, An Apology, & Good News Amongst A Storm of Shit!

Hello world! This is sort of a house keeping post... I have some things to talk about and update you on, so let's get on with this morning's business!

On Sunday, I posted a 2 Truths and 1 Lie game. There are actually several winners, not just one! The lie is #2- I have never, ever tried barefoot running and don't imagine I ever will! As most of you guessed, I sure a shoot did a cartwheel crossing the finish line of the Buck Ridge Burn trail race. Now, several of you guessed that I didn't run in my sports bra but I do! In the summer, the only time I wear a shirt is if I need to wear my hydration pack and don't want to get massive amounts of chaffing. Me in a sports bra is really nothing to see as I buy my non sports bras in the little girls section of Target. That kind of gives you an idea of what's going on in my chest area, in case you were ever wondering and couldn't discern it from pictures.

So, the winners are: Susan, Rachel @ Life or Something Like It, Heather @ Girl Goes Running, and Karen @ Running Over the Hill. I have no prize for you, except for this picture of Christmas!

He couldn't be more thrilled for you girls!

So I have had a few people mention that my blog is eating their comments or when they try to comment in general, it is not always working. I am very sorry about this because I know how frustrating it is to type a nice, thoughtful comment on someone's blog and then have it get eaten. I am not very tech savvy, so my only idea to fix this is by typing "Why is blogspot eating my comments?" into the Google. So I have 2 pleas for you!

1. If commenting on my blog has been a chore or hasn't been working for whatever reason, please let me know so I can get an idea if it just happens to one or two people or several.

2. If you know how to fix this, tell me!

You may have heard my husband and I have had a ton of shit thrown our way lately. He was scheduled to have brain surgery this Friday. But it has been postponed because there is a pretty extensive test they want to do prior to help the surgeon be more accurate. We likely won't know for another week when this test will be and the eventual surgery. But it will be this summer. The waiting game is torture but we are very happy there is a test they can do that could potentially help Paul and his symptoms.

If you know me, you know I'm Type A, I'm a planner, organizer, I THRIVE ON KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON AND BEING IN CONTROL. Boy is this a lesson in patience for me.

I was going to ask you to comment below if you are having trouble commenting... but that doesn't make much sense, does it!? If it doesn't work, you could also email me at: and let me know!


  1. My comments haven't been working but I thought I'd give this a try anyways! I think that pic of Christmas is an awesome prize! :-)

  2. Ok, I have to say that I think teachers are the only people I know that use the term "housekeeping" when referring to tasks other than really cleaning their house...hah.

    Hope that you all get some answers soon as to when they will be working on Paul!

    1. LOL you are absolutely right about the housekeeping term. I never thought of it, but it's a total teacher thing.

  3. Yay...I am happy I picked the correct one :)
    Meg, hang in there. I, too, am total type A and planner and I am sure this beyond frustrating & challenging. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. One day at a time! Have a great Wednesday, girl.

  4. How did I miss the game, man that stinks. That prize is totally worth it lol. I don't remember if my comments were being eaten but I'll be on the look out moving forward.

    Hang in there, the more tests and more understanding of the situation is always a good thing. Recognized this is a test in patience is very wise although not easy at times. Your doing great and I know everything is going to work out perfectly.

  5. Love that picture of you two at the end of the post. Really hope you get some updates soon as I know how hard playing the waiting game can be. I HATE IT. I must literally plan every single thing in advance and know exactly when everything is going to happen. If things fall out of line I go nuts :) Being with Adam for the last 9.5 years has been a real test of my patience since he's definitely a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of guy! haha.

    1. Thank you, Kristina :) I think we were in Atlantic City in that photograph. Adam and Paul seem similar. Paul would rather go with the flow. Maybe it is a guy thing.

  6. Tip for comments or any online form. Before clicking submit, control+a to select all text. Control+c to copy. If form crops out on you, retry but paste instead of retyping. Good luck

    1. You know what I sometimes remember to do that but it seems like every time I don't, the comment gets eaten! Happened to my twice today. :)

  7. so sorry that there isn't a solid plan yet. i hate not having definitive dates and schedules, because then how can you plan and figure it all out?!? last year once we realized that i would need back surgery it took 3+ weeks for the surgery to get approval from the insurance company and we couldn't even schedule anything until that came through. so it was a lot of waiting. then all of a sudden, on friday the approval came through and then monday i was under the knife. it was one of the most stressful times in my life!

    1. Wow that sounds so horribly stressful! So sorry that happened.

  8. Having plans foiled is hard enough as a Type A person, but especially when you're dealing with something like a health emergency. You're handling it very gracefully.

    1. Wow I don't think anyone called me graceful but I am gonna ride that comment as long as I can!

  9. I'm pretty sure my comments are working. Although my computer is 97 years old so sometimes I walk away and do something else while it's trying to post, so who knows, really. :) I'm a little jealous of your sports bra running... too many of my students live and work around here for me to do that. There are just certain parts of me that I don't ever want them to see. I guess that's a difference between teaching elementary and high school. :)

    1. lol it is a big difference for sure. But I don't live in the district I teach in so that is a huge plus. I want to run in my sports bra and go to the grocery store without hearing someone yell, "Mrs. Coooooney!!!!!" (my husband's last name, and the name my kids call me hehe)

  10. Thanks for the info about the comments! I guess that is something I can't fix on my end because it's your work, right? STOP READING FILTHY RUNNING BLOGS AT WORK! lol just kidding :) Thanks for your kind words about Paul. I try not to think about it because I get mad/sad/jealous... horrible feelings.
