
Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up

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It's just another Manic Monday...
Here's what we were up to this weekend...

Friday was like the light at the end of the tunnel for me. It wasn't a bad week, just really busy. Look what Paul texted me while I was at work to help me get through the day:

This is Chrissy and his sock. He has had this sock ever since I first brought him home.
I used to wear it on my arm when I played with him so he wouldn't scratch me.
Now he carries it around and cries, then lays down and kneads it. It's so freaking cute!

After work, we went on an Aldi date and stocked the fridge!

Then we caught up on some TV shows we missed during the week. First up, was Bates Motel, which Paul lovingly calls MasturBates. There are only two episodes left, and this one was really good.

Freddy Highmore's character keeps getting creepier and creepier.
I think he really looks like Anthony Perkins here!

Second, was The Mindy Project, which was just awful. I know I keep saying we are going to office it, but the characters Morgan Tookers and Peter Ponce keep bringing us back!

On Saturday, I slept in, which felt GREAT! Then I went on my first run after Boston. You can read how it went here. Short version: Quads are still a bit sore, legs are tired, but my body is holding up well! I'm going to take a few more days off running to totally heal my quads. Boston is pretty much a downhill marathon, which really tore them up.

Then we went to Dockside Willies to celebrate a friend's birthday. We didn't eat there or anything, we just stopped by to hang for a little. I mentioned I haven't worn heels since November, but look what I broke out on Saturday night...

When we got home we played cards, ate dinner, watched Parks and Recreation, and had a Paul & Jelly photo shoot!

Sunday was just one of those days where I felt tired and blue. I got a lot of work done around the house, cooked, and even did some stuff for work. (Sometimes it's just quicker to do things at home.) But that afternoon I did something very out of character- I just laid on the couch and watched Seinfeld after Seinfeld. (At least I was resting my quads!) Jelly laid on my legs the whole time, so that sort of cheered me up. Paul was doing schoolwork so it was just me and my baby boy chilling.

When Paul was done with his schoolwork, we played an epic match of cards. What else would you expect from us? Later that night I started to get a sore throat and headache, so I went to bed super duper early. I really hope I am not getting sick!

I hope you had an awesome weekend! What were you up to?


  1. Friday night Adam and I went grocery shopping and I thought of you, haha :)

    When the character of Peter joined The Mindy Project I really disliked him, but now he's definitely one of my faves. The B cast on that show is pretty awful, but I love Mindy, Danny and Peter.

    1. What about Tamra and Ray-Ron???? We love them! Hehehe.

  2. I hope you're not getting sick! I just read your Boston recap - you did amazing, well done!!

    1. Thank you! Can't wait to hear about your competition recap as well!

  3. Good for you listening to your body! Whenever I feel like I am getting sick or run down, I try to do more things which eventually leads to getting a tiny bit sick for about three weeks. I'm not so smart about listening to myself sometimes.

    Those shoes are amazing! I have a slight obsession with shoes.

    1. I got them at the end of the season last year for like $10! This was the first I wore them! They're really comfy.

  4. Uh oh I hope you make it through the day without getting hangry!

  5. Sounds like a good recovery weekend. Hope your not getting sick.

  6. I hardly ever wear heels but I absolutely love the ones you wore on Saturday!!

    1. They were $10 at an end of season sale last year!!!!!

  7. Nothing makes me happier than a well stocked fridge. Of course it's me that has to do it, but either way I'm happy when it's done. Sounds like you caught up on some much needed rest!

  8. i heart the mindy project. i had HUGE doubts when she left the office, but it has completely sucked me in. and i love tamra & ray-ron too!!!! and morgan. i love morgan.

    1. We only watch for Morgan, Peter, and Ray Ron hehehe. I think it should be the Ray Ron project. :)

  9. Love the heels!! I hope you aren't getting sick but if you are I must say that lots of couch time and Seinfeld will probably help :)

    1. OOH and you are a FASHIONISTA so if yu like the heels I knw they're good ;)

  10. That sock story is adorable! I love when pets grow attached to things that remind them of us! Also, hot shoes woman!!

  11. Yikes! I hope you are not getting sick. You are probably run down from all the craziness of the last few weeks. Now your body can just rest and enjoy! Love the kitty pics!

    1. Now I AM sick :( Boo hoo. A sick music teacher in May (concert season) is NOT good.

  12. I'm pretty sure our husbands would be BFFs. So if we're ever in the same state and meet for a run, at least we'll know that they can hang out and make juvenile jokes and play with cats together. :) I hope you're not getting sick! Airborne is your friend. :)

    1. I have never tried that stuff! It's amazing teachers aren't more sick than we already are! I love my hubby's potty mouth :)

  13. Great heels! :)

    I love the shot of Jelly and Paul....super cute! I hope you didn't catch the cold I had. :( I would feel awful if I passed you my Nova Scotia cold on our one time meeting at Boston!

    1. It would be the first time I got sick from a Canadian!
