
Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Happy Monday! It's a four day week for me! Somehow, even thought we had a billion snow days, we still have Good Friday off. That means a four day weekend as well because of... BOSTON! It won't be a relaxing weekend but it will definitely be exciting! Oh well, I'm getting ahead of myself. This is what I was up to this weekend.

Friday was a lifting day, so I headed to Planet Fitness. Back, biceps, and core were on the docket. I enjoyed lifting, but I really enjoyed the Survivor pod cast I was listening to. In case I haven't mentioned it before, you should know that Paul and I are really into Survivor this season!

Work was really busy. I started to feel sick after lunch but I pushed through. I felt sick when I got home too. I was able to play cards with Paul, but the rest of the evening was spent relaxing and trying not to get any sicker.

Boo! What a crappy Friday!

I felt like a champ when I woke up Saturday morning! I chugged some coffee, got some stuff done on the computer, and then power cleaned the house! Boy, did it need it.

I rocked out to Mika during my cleaning frenzy. Guys, this is a great album.

I realized our dining room chairs are really getting bad. Christmas annihilates them.

The weather was GORGEOUS. It was definitely sports bra weather but I was a lady and wore a tank top on my run.

Last "long" run before Boston!
I did my walk/run thing I do...

Later that day, we had dinner at my in-laws house and ran some errands... Sharp Shopper (discount grocery store) and The Christmas Tree Shoppe (A store with just a bunch of random things..). 

Speaking of random things, here is what we found:

Duck Dynasty Dog Biscuits.
I did not buy these. I have never even seen DD.

An Adirondack chair pet feeder.

At Sharp Shopper, we stocked up on some interesting ice cream flavors...

This is my new favorite.

For Paul!

I had high hopes for this one but it's surprisingly a little
to strong for my taste.

And the dichotomy... We got salt free seasoning because I gave up the salt shaker.
We also got french fry seasoning because we had it a few years ago and it was sooooo good...
but the first ingredient listed is SALT! Does it count as the salt shaker? Unfortunately, I think it does.

Sunday was another gorgeous weather day! I unfortunately had to workout in the gym. But I got to spend lots of quality time outside walking with my friend Bree, and then going to a baseball game with my hubby. My students performed Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the 7th inning stretch. They rocked it!

Selfie in the stands!

Are you watching Survivor this season?
Do you have any furniture that your pet(s) have obliterated?
Tell me something awesome about your weekend!


  1. No. Way. The cats did NOT do that- next time, consider them your night time protein.

    Just kidding. Haha salt free seasoning...I use our version here, but add salt to it. Defeats the purpose.

    Survivor...I THINK I'm watching the same edition as you they are showing brains VS beauties VS boobs or something.

    1. LOL I got salt free seasoning once at the Dollar Store and was using it on my garlic bread... but I added salt as well! Yes, we are watching the same Survivor! Do you love it? I took a huuuuuuuuuge break from Survivor but started watching again last season. Last season was not good but this season is REALLY good. There are a lot of "characters" on this season, you know what I mean?

  2. Replies
    1. They're on Season 28! I watched seasons 1-5 probably, then took a huge break. We watched last season because a Big Brother contestant (we looooove Big Brother) was on. Last season sucked, this season is really good. A lot of interesting characters and smart players.

  3. That cat food chair is crazy, but I guess if you have a nice porch and outdoor cats/feed strays it might make sense?

    Cecil loves to claw up our desk chair. He's gotten better about it since we started buying multiple scratching pads though!

    1. You know it never even occurred to me that it could be for an outdoor cat. lol

  4. I don't watch survivor but I know my parents love it! We always say we can't have nice furniture because we have dogs,,hahaa. Are furniture is not scratched or chewed up or anything but we are definitely in need of some new living room furniture because, yes, we are those people who let our dogs on the couch with us! I refuse to spend the money on a new couch until we are down one dog. ( I know that sounds horrible, but he IS 14)

    1. Girl, I would let my dogs on the couch too. I let my cats anywhere but discourage the counters. In fact, Christmas looooooves laying on the dining room table.

  5. Ha, that is the one thing I don't miss about having a cat!

    I can't imagine having salt-free seasoning.... that's like fat-free salad dressing. What's the point?! :P

    1. I know, I had salt free seasoning before and it was yummy- except I had to add salt to it lol.

  6. The awesome thing about my weekend is that I finally got to run in the trail and it was sunny on Sunday! Lola takes over our furniture. She sleeps all day on the couch and then at night in bed with us. Since I made the intelligent decision to get a white Ikea couch a few years back, I always keep a blanket on it for Lola's little paws. :)

    1. Yay I'm glad you had a good trail run! I hope you're feeling better today. :)

  7. Mmm ice cream and french fry seasoning! It still blows my mind that Survivor is still on TV. It's been on FOREVER!

    1. I know and it still sucks me in from time to time!
