
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thinking Out Loud - What's "running" through my brain!

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Thank you, Amanda @ Running with Spoons for hosting Thursday’s very popular Thinking Out Loud series. Let’s get started, shall we?

1. After an extremely successful 20 miler on Saturday, I was afraid to run again. How can one top a PERFECT run? You can't! But I had to get back on the horse. I ran for the first time on Wednesday and did 5 miles at an 8:30 pace. I felt some aching the rest of the day but I iced the shit out of it. Oh well, it could have been worse!

The key to my pain free running!

2. On Monday, I went to the podiatrist to get a weird pain of the side of my foot checked out. (I know, I'm falling apart.) It only hurts when I roll my foot out, not when I run or walk or anything like that. Apparently, one of my peroneal tendons is a little irritated. I'm just supposed to stretch it out and it should calm down. 

3. My new running shoes are coming in the mail today! I have been wearing Mizuno Wave Riders for probably about 7 years now! Unfortunately I couldn't find a good deal on these, so I had to spend almost a week's worth of piano lesson money on them.

I love the color!

4. I'm finally letting myself get excited for Boston. I'm done worrying. It's time to just relax and have fun! What's the point of doing it if I spend my time worrying about it instead of being excited for it?

5. Oh, and I'm not racing Boston. That was never my plan. My plan is to have fun, take pictures, enjoy the experience... pretty much the same thing I did last time. Except this time, I will not be with a group of friends, I will be solo.


Me and my pals right after Heartbreak Hill. 
Spoiler Alert: It's not that heartbreaking... 
especially if you're used to Pennsylvania hills!

Are you like me... scared to jinx yourself?
Have you ever run a race with a group of friends?
Who else has run Boston or who is running it this year?


  1. "I'm done worrying. It's time to just relax and have fun! What's the point of doing it if I spend my time worrying about it instead of being excited for it?" <-- I seriously love that attitude. I used to worry and stress SO much about the tiniest little things, but you're right -- what the heck is the point? You just rob yourself of happiness and enjoyment.

    1. I know, I've been through so much. It's time to just suck it up and have fun.

  2. Yay for the 20 miler!
    My mom just bought those same Mizunos, i'm anxious to see how she likes them.
    My sister felt the same way about Heartbreak hill. She was so worried about it and then when she got to the end where the sign says something like "the heartbreak is over" she thought "hmm, that was it? That wasn't so bad". It must be a PA thing!

    1. Absolutely! We PA runners have a huge advantage when it comes to hills!

  3. I agree just run Boston to RUN! You are so blessed to be able to run it and enjoy THE EVENT of running!!!!!! Looking forward to your recap!!!! :)

    1. I definitely feel lucky to be able to run it... let alone all the injury I have been through!

  4. Your attitude is amazing! I can't wait to hear the recap. It's coming up so soon! You are going to have so much fun and I'm sure you'll get to meet lots of our Blends!

  5. Ahh new shoes coming! That is always the most exciting thing!

  6. I did the Princess Half with friends which was a lot of fun, but I think I prefer running alone for the most part. Having friends helps pass the time faster, but I like to zone out and just do my own thing.

    I am counting down the days until Boston for you! :)

  7. I agree with your comment on my post...Boston IS making us Crazy! lol. All I can think about are my freaking tendons!!! I feel like I'm super aware of them even when I am doing the most low key activities like walking across the room, driving my car.... :0 My PT called me Hyper sensitive. ;) Do you roll out your foot with one of those spiky balls?

    1. I do not but the podiatrist told me to try a bottle. Girl, you are going to be FINE for Boston!!! You are in tip top shape and training so smart.

    2. Are you two planning to meet up pre or post race?! I would love to live vicariously through that!

    3. Yes! There will be pictures!

  8. Well spoiler alert... I don't like the shoes!! Sending them back.

  9. I'm so glad your nerves are down to a normal level (let's be real, for ANY race there are SOME nerves, right?!)! You're going to have so much fun and you'll know how hard you worked to get there!

    1. They actually aren't down to normal but I am just MAKING myself say "FUCK IT YOU'RE RUNNING IT, NOW GET IT OVER IT." :)
