
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thinking Out Loud - BOSTON! Thursday

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Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up! Today's thoughts have a bit of a theme... The Boston Marathon!


1. I am trying to decide whether to buy a jacket or not. Buying the official Boston Marathon jacket is the "thing" every Boston runner does. I got one when I ran in 2009. It was $90 but it is actually a very well made jacket. It's light weight and the rain literally bounces off it. It's warmer than it looks as well. 

image: adidas 2014 Official Boston Marathon Celebration Jacket D80170

This year's jacket is $110.00. Wowza! But it's the jacket that says, "Hey! I ran BOSTON!" so of course I want it.

Question for Regular Boston Runners: Can you buy the jacket several days/weeks after the race at a discounted price?

2. We're going to have a low key, no frills dinner the night before the race. I used to stuff my face the night before a marathon. I have discovered that doesn't work well for me and never did. I would wake up race morning and feel so bloated and not even be hungry for breakfast. My plan is to eat a normal dinner. I won't eat extra calories but I will eat more carbs than normal.  That way in the morning, I will have an appetite and be able to eat not only breakfast, but another small meal before the race. (I will have to get up around 6am and my wave doesn't start until 10:25am... that's a two meal time frame for me!)

Hmmm... that's a little too much!

3. I'm not racing Boston. It was never my plan, and it is definitely not my plan as I had knee surgery 11 weeks ago. That's right. Eleven weeks ago I could barely walk. Now I'm running Boston in 3 days and I can barely believe it! I'm going to take my time, take pictures, and soak in all the sights, just like I did the first time I ran it. I want to remember everything about the experience because my memories of the first time seem so surreal!

Newto - 7

My friends and I stopped to take pictures along the whole course!
Some people couldn't believe it, but we were there to have fun!

4. Some people have asked me if I'm scared to run Boston after what happened last year. The simplest answer I can give you is: Not really. I think about it a lot, but trust that the Boston Athletic Association has done everything in their power to tighten security and make the race as safe as possible. It is very different from 2009. In 2009, we could bring whatever we wanted to Athletes' Village (where we chill out until the race starts). Gym bags, food, water, hydration packs, blankets, inflatable rafts (to lay on and take a nap before the race... don't laugh... all the veteran runners had these!)... we could bring whatever. This year, we can bring a tiny waist pack. I plan to squeeze my phone, camera, drivers license, credit card, and salt tabs in there. That's about all that will fit. Damn, I hope I don't get my period.

This is what I will be able to bring. 
As I look at my old pics, I realize I wore this for my first Boston!
 I didn't realize I had it that long!

5. Obviously, I am so excited to go run this thing, but let me tell you what is going to suck... Driving six and a half hours home right after the race! Yes, unfortunately I have to work the next day so we need to head out as soon as possible. I'm going to buy an extra ice pack and keep a cooler in the backseat so I can have ice for my legs whenever I need it on the trip home.

Have you ever run Boston?
Should I suck it up and buy the jacket?
What do you take with you on the course when running a half or full?


  1. This post makes me super duper excited!!!! To answer your question: A friend of a friend tried to go there on the Sunday 2 years ago (there being the expo) and he couldn't get a jacket in his size! But, according to Matt, you have no worries of this year's orange jacket selling out! LOL. I'm totally getting one. I ran in my old one so many times this year and it feels awesome. What are you taking to sit on in the athletes village?

    1. Oh my word I never thought that it would sell out! Now I am worried. I guess I do really want one haha. Is he insinuating it won't sell out because they are making so many of them due to this being such a momentous year or is he insinuating that orange is ugly and no one wants one??? Hey, is MATT running Boston? I just got that email from the BAA saying we could take a blanket or a yoga mat to the village. I think I am going to go out and buy a yoga mat because I am thinking that would be more water proof incase the ground is wet with morning dew.

    2. Unfortunately he meant because of the orange color, lol. Personally I like it! I am going to take an old blanket to sit on if they don't let me on the bus with it I will just wrap it around myself inside my giant coat, ;)

    3. I like the orange too! It will be great for trail running so I don't get mistaken for Bambi.

  2. After my first full, I'm planning to take the day off. I don't think I'll be able to stand/walk around a classroom for 8 hours! haha

    I like your eating plan...I can't stuff myself the night before a race either, or I'm paying for it the next morning.

    I'm sooo excited for you! This race is going to mean so much because you've overcome so much to get here!

    1. That's a good idea! I try to take the day off if I can but I don't have enough personal days to do it right now, otherwise you know I would be taking off Tuesday!

  3. This is so exciting (well, maybe not that long drive home!). I tend to eat a massive meal the night before a competition, but something small in the morning as I'm too nervous to eat a big breakfast!

    1. Yeah that makes sense! I know you need a lot instant fuel for your comps. Obviously with my marathon being more of a steady state thing I can really on the carbs and fat I have stored up.

  4. After my first full I have to hop on a plane for a nice long ride from Portland to Fort Lauderdale. Probably not my smartest move to fly home the day of the race, but I'll be all out of vacation days at that point!

    I won't be able to check in on your blog before Monday so I hope you have a FANTASTIC time! I can't wait to read all about the race and your experience. Take lots and lots of pictures! :D

    1. You will be sailing!!!! Have a BLAST! :) I know you work hard, so enjoy your vaycay :)

  5. I think you need the jacket ;) can't wait to see all your pictures from the course!

    1. Augh I think I need it too! A lot of people don't like the orange color but I do!

  6. I found the same thing with that overeating the night before thing. I just made me feel full and lethargic. OK I feel so silly asking this, but I thought the BM was this past week? Or was that just the one year anniversary of the bombing? I haven't been watching the news. I think you should buy the jacket if it will bring you really fond memories, you'll actually wear it, and it's in your budget<that last part I had to add because, well you know I'm a PF blogger. LOL! For the half marathon I ran, all I carried was pain...I mean Gu. :) Oh and kleenex and lip balm.

    1. Tonya you always crack me up! The jacket would definitely be a frivolous expense, but I can wing it. :) I can see why you were confused- all the Boston specials where this past week because last year it was on April 15th. This year it's on the 21st. It's always on the 3rd Monday in April, I believe. I actually got a lot of "good luck" texts this past Monday haha!

  7. Thank you so much! I am super excited and feel lucky to be in shape enough to do it.

  8. I have not run Boston but my sister has and I say Get the jacket! It is quite an accomplishment just to be there and i'm afraid if you don't get it you will regret it. Every time I am faced with a decision of buying something special like that I look at it this way: Will I ever look back and say "I wish I would have bought that race jacket" probably YES. Will I ever look back and say "I really wish I had the $110 back" Never! There will always be another $100 coming around. There may never be another chance to get the jacket!

    1. You gals are so right!! I gotta suck it up and spend the $$$. It is at least a quality jacket that will last forever.

  9. I would cringe at the money for the jacket too, but I think you've gotta do it! You might regret it if you don't get it. I cannot wait to read about your race! I am overly excited for you!

    1. You are right I'm gonna suck it up and buy it. :)

  10. I would totally buy the jacket!! :) Wow, I can't even imagine being a fast enough runner to even BQ, you are so inspiring! I can't wait to hear all about the race!! Best of luck to you!!

  11. Aww I'm so excited for you! And I think it's amazing that you were able to jump back after your surgery in time to run it :) Also, I say get the jacket! Sure spending the money is a pain, but it's -only- money, and this is one of those things that you'll want to remember forever and ever -- you don't want to regret it later!

  12. This is going to be an amazing race because you are running for YOU! I love races like that! I think you SHOULD totally buy the jacket. It is a lot of money but this is BOSTON and this race is going to be EPIC and better than ever!!!!! DO IT! :) :)
