
Saturday, April 12, 2014

On the brink of sickness.

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I hate being sick on a Friday. I had such great plans for last night. I was going to clean the house, play lots of card games with Paul... maybe even go putz around Kohl's. (I have a 30% off coupon.)

There are so many people sick at work, and I guess I shouldn't complain because I am not totally in the throws of sickness... I am teetering on the edge. I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat but it went away by Friday morning. After lunch, I had a very physically exerting hour and a half teaching two first grade music classes. (If you have ever taught first grade, you know what I am talking about!) That is what tipped me from feeling "fine" to feeling on the edge of sickness.

My symptoms were hot flashes and chills, extreme fatigue, slight headache, weakness, faintness, and an apprehensiveness... the kind you get with a fever but I don't have a fever.

Sometimes when I am sick or on the brink of sickness, I am not hungry at all. Sometimes I am RAVENOUS. Yesterday, I was ravenous. I had a V8 nutrition bar before I left work. When I got home an hour and half later, I had some wheat thins wrapped in deli turkey. Then I made a small plate of tortilla chips with melted cheese. Next was wine.

For dinner, I totally intended on making a cobb salad. I even got out all the ingredients. But I was making Paul whole wheat pancakes with turkey bacon and I suddenly started craving that instead. So we both ended up having pancakes for dinner.

I know it looks like dog poop, but it was delicious!

FYI: Normal pancakes are way better than whole wheat, it's just this was the only kind of mix we had. Adding syrup made them taste more like normal pancakes.

A few hours after dinner I had another glass of wine. Then I had some pringles, wheat thins, and ground turkey. I wasn't just eating to eat. I was hungry. Before I went to bed I had carrot cake a la mode. Okay, that I was eating just to eat!

Maybe my body is trying to fight off whatever I am coming down with and it wants fuel to get the job done?

It worked. I felt better even before I want to bed! Maybe lots of food is the best medicine?

Do you eat a lot when you feel like you are getting sick?


  1. I really hope you are feeling better soon! :) when I am sick I crave junk food. I do not know why, LOL but I want something that is really bad for me when I am feeling under the weather. feel better soon!

    1. Maybe our bodies go into survival mode and tell our brains to eat lots of calories! I feel fine today, thanks to the pancakes. :)

  2. Glad it worked and you're feeling better! I don't get hungrier OR lose my appetite but stay about the same. I usually crave more comfort foods though and soup. Thankfully there is a soup restaurant a couple blocks away!

    1. MMmmmm a soup place. That's the difference between LA and PA. I don't think we have soup restaurants but I wish we did!

  3. Wine always helps. Hot toddies are also a good solution to feeling bad. Hope you kick this bug's ass toots!

  4. Glad you're feeling better today!

    When I get sick I crave Bagel Bites (<< so weird) which I don't ever eat except when I am sick. I shouldn't eat them when I'm sick either as they usually make me nauseous, but it never fails I always crave them when I have a cold.

  5. Especially before a race, at the first sign of illness, I take soooo much Emergen-C. I don't know if it really helps or if it's all mental, but I definitely see an improvement. I hope whatever's sneaking up leaves you alone quickly!

    When I'm sick, I crave sweets. They're all I can stomach. Everything else grosses me out.

    1. I feel like a champ today! I never tried Emergen-C.

  6. I think our bodies just go into survival move and want all the sugar and calories!

  7. Hope your feeling better Meg- I am NOT one of those people who looses their appetite with fact I'm the polar opposite!

    Anything salty or buttery, that's what my body asks for. Usually ending up with toast with butter.

    1. Mmmm toast and butter is what my mom would always have us eat when we were sick. :)
