
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Boston Marathon by the Numbers

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You will get a full re-cap soon! I am too tired to do it now. We left Boston at 5:00 pm on Monday and didn't get home to Pennsylvania until 1:15 am.

I have to be at work at 7:55 am this morning. And I have piano lessons after school. So you get the short version today!

Trips to the port 'o john before the race: Only 3. I am dissapointed in myself.

Times I stopped for a pictures along the course: Too many to count!

# of times Paul clapped: 203,000 times

Celebrity/Elite athlete sightings: Zero!

# of blogger friends I met: 1 (Girl Goes Running!)

$$ spent on gear at the Expo: $110.00 (Jacket).

# of pictures with Big Bird: 1

I haven't been able to catch up on anything in the blog world these past few days. Tell me something I missed!


  1. I am SO glad you bought the jacket! I am also glad they had some left in your size. I heard they sold out of smalls! I can't wait to hear all about your race! Glad you got to meet Heather!

    1. They had plenty- I had to get a medium though! The smalls were like... TINY!

  2. Hhaah only 3 trips to the bathroom? Disappointing for sure lolol. Glad you had a good race (well actually I'm just making an assumption--I'll have to wait for the full recap!)

  3. I kind of love that picture of you and Big Bird!

    I tracked your bib # for part of the race and had to shake my head. Your easy marathon pace is just ridiculous! :) Can't wait for the recap!!!

    1. My legs were hurrrrting. I was basically running farleks lol. You'll understand in the re cap :)

  4. Yay! I'm happy you bought the jacket! Big Bird was my very favorite Sesame Character. I'm a little jealous. ;-) Cannot wait for your recap!

    1. I just knew if I didn't stop for a pic with him I'd regret it!

  5. It didn't feel easy yesterday, my legs were hurrrrting!

  6. I was tracking you during the race - I kept looking at where you were and just shaking my head....your "easy" pace is crazy! Surgery, shmurgery...obviously it didn't hold you back. Congrats! :)

    1. Thank you my dear!!! I am so happy I was healthy enough to run it.

  7. I can't WAIT for the full recap. This is such a tease ;o) I hope you're resting well and feeling great after the race. Congrats again!!!!

    1. I'm sorry haha I just tried to open a wine bottle with a can opener. I am in no position to write coherently ;)

  8. I sm so happy I got to meet you! I'm doings recap tomorrow after work :) I HATE my stairs! Hope you're feeling good today and embellishing in your awesome race!

  9. So excited for your race recaps!!!! YOU rock Meg! :)
