
Saturday, April 5, 2014

All the things I CAN'T blog about.

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I am pretty much an open book. Ask me a question and I’d be glad to answer it, even if it is personal. I try to be open on my blog as well. I feel like I accomplish that for the most part. However, there are a few things I do not blog about that I sometimes wish I could!

1.   Work. I think most people are hesitant to post about their work on social media. The last thing you want to do is say something that gets you in trouble or fired. There is a difference between posting “Wow, that was a rough day at work,” and “I want to quit my jooooooob!”.  I’m a teacher, so I am sure to err on the side of caution. There are times I want to complain about things that are work related but I really can’t. There are times I want to tell a funny story, or share something silly a student said, but again, it is a fine line! Most of the time, if I say something about work, it is really generic. If it’s not generic, then it has to be POSITIVE.

2.   My husband. Remember how I said how open I am? My husband is the complete OPPOSITE. I’ll tell you about my deepest thoughts but he would be horrified if I even posted what he had for lunch today. I have urged him to write a guest post for my blog, but he hasn’t surrendered to my pressure yet. Paul is a really funny guy, so I think you’d enjoy his post. Uh oh! I’ve already said too much about my hubby so I best leave it at that! 

3.   My cats. JUST KIDDING!! I should change my blog title to, “Meg Go Run & Talk About Your Cats”.

Speaking of the kitties…

Throwback photo! Circa 2007!

So my blogger friends, is there anything you are unable to blog about?

Does your significant other read your blog?  No.

Do your co-workers read your blog? Some of mine do. Hey guys!


  1. I'm the same regarding work. Once in awhile I'll post about work, but I try to keep it general. I never use student names or post pictures because they're only 14; if my kids were 18 I might be less careful, but I definitely don't want to cross any lines. I feel like teaching really requires more secrecy than other professions, because SO many people are involved, and it's SUCH a public occupation. You're always being scrutinized.

    1. You are right, we are scrutinized... I definitely don't censor myself on here except for work and Paul, that is it. Who wants to hear about teaching anyway? Go to a teaching blog! Hehe.

  2. Oh I understand. Work is the one thing I'm always hesitant about including in my posts. Even when I'm saying very general things like how busy report card season is. I don't blog about my husband that much either.....he's one of those people who likes to stay in the background when it comes to social media.

    1. I don't think I ever saw a pic of you with your hubby! Post one? Or do I have to delve into the archives of your blog to find one? :)

  3. I agree with all the comments about teaching! You can't really disclose too much. I actually get really upset when people take pictures of kids (even if you can't see their face). I know if I was a parent, I would not my child to be on their teacher's blog!

    I wish I could be more open and blog about certain topics. I just don't know how people would feel or relate. Sometimes it is a hard line!

    1. I love when people are open. I think you are pretty open on yours :) Sometimes timing means something too... maybe you just have to wait a little while until it feels right to post about.

  4. Adam is the absolute same as Paul -- he has no interest in sharing himself with the world. He doesn't even have a Facebook account! I try to be sensitive to his privacy, that's why you will pretty much never see pictures of him on my blog even though he is the handsomest guy I know! Cecil, on the other hand, doesn't get a say in the matter. I take 500 pictures of him a day because he is constantly doing "the cutest thing ever!" :D

    1. Paul has FB but has NEVER posted. He has commented but has never updated his status. He just likes to lurk, I guess. :)

  5. Boyfriend couldn't care less if I blog about him, but getting him to write a post for me.... I don't even know if he knows how to write. ;-) As a special ed teacher, I have to be even more careful than the average teacher because of the many, many confidentiality laws. That's why I keep my blog mostly to fitness related/what I did today posts.

    1. You are right, there is so much more confidentiality with special ed!

  6. Oh, the work topics. Definitely avoid them or keep them generic. And I don't post anything I wouldn't want my students to read (though I really hope they never discover my blog), including swear words, TWSS jokes, etc. So I probably come off on the Internet as more PG than I am in real life. :)

    1. What are TWSS jokes? My kids are elem. so at least I do not have to worry about the kids reading! Some parents might since I am FB friends with a few. But I do not censor myself on here.
