
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ah, Spring!

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I know it’s officially been spring for a few weeks now, but I feel like Central PA’s weather is FINALLY reflecting the season. All of my runs have been done in shorts, we have had the windows open for the cats, and my Girls on the Run team was finally able to train outside. Spring has sprung!

Last week, Cassie @ Rural Running Redhead talked about all the things she is excited for now that warmer weather is here. It got me thinking about the things I am most excited about as well!

1.   Wearing less clothes when working out. It’s not quite sports bra weather, but it’s getting there! Less clothes means I feel as free as can be on a run- no constricting coats or pants. Also, there’s less laundry to be done. That is always good!

2.   Opening the windows! I love smelling the fresh air and hearing the birds. The cats love it, too. But whenever Chrissy gets a whiff of fresh air, he turns into a peeing machine. That's the only downside.

3.   Backyard workouts! I’m ready to just lay my towel in the grass and do planks, push ups, and circuits.

4.   Back porch dates with my hubby. We love sitting on the back porch eating dinner and playing Monopoly Deal.

5.   Evening walks with my hubby. We were walking a lot this past fall but stopped when it started getting really cold. I think now that it is warmer, we will get out there more. It's the best way to really talk to each other without any distractions.

6. And the biggest thing I'm excited for about spring? That we're one season closer to SUMMER- my favorite season of all!
What springtime activities are you excited for?


  1. I just want to skip spring and go straight to summer so I can go to the beach! Springtime is always my favorite running season though!

  2. Cookouts! I miss grilling and we do it a ton in the spring and summer. And enjoying puppy playtime's a lot less fun in the winter!

    1. Oh outside doggy time is the best I bet! I wish I could take my cats out. :) We used to... until Jelly got up in a tree and had to be rescued. It was very traumatic.

  3. Wearing summer clothes for sure! I'm not crazy about swimming but I love watching our labradors swim in the pool! They are SO entertain, as I am sure you will find out because i'm sure i'll be posting pics!

  4. I am excited for laying my towel down too... in the sand and then taking a nap :)

  5. There is nothing better than sitting on the porch eating and drinking and just passing time with family. I love it!

  6. I love how similar our lists are! Clearly we would get along well in real life. :) One thing I can't believe I forgot to put on my list is I'm excited for the wind to stop! It's nearly constant here in the annoying.

    1. Haha I swear I didn't copy your list... I read it once, waited a few days, and then made my own list. We must be soul mates. :)

  7. Here in California we don't really have seasons. The only really exciting thing about Spring is that it gets warmer inland which means we can go to the river! It's usually right around this time that I get super antsy and need the river.

  8. I'm excited for all the reasons you listed! But especially the smell of Spring air. I love it! Guess it's a good thing I don't have allergies

    1. I don't have allergies either! I guess that would put a damper on things.

  9. Yes! We are doing that right now to save money. We go without heat as long as possible and air as long as possible. It's a little miserable for awhile...

  10. London doesn't really get full seasons. We have 8-9 months of winter and then a few months of glorious sunshine! Being in Perth was hard because it was so hot, so I was teased with summer. I like being able to wear less clothes training too - in Perth I had no choice but to train in a sports bra and shorts as it was 110-115 degrees in the gym. Blergh.

    1. My gym has been getting really hot lately too! Not as hot as yours for sure, but now that it is getting to be like 50 degrees outside, my gym is hot, stuffy, and is starting to smell like our gross sweaty bodies.

  11. We don't get much of a weather change around here (except it gets windier which I'm not a fan of), but I do remember those day of long winters and just wanting it to end. I prefer less clothes to work out in too! It's just so freeing! Happy Spring!
