
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thinking Out Loud!

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Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for hosting  this Thinking Out Loud link up! Let the random-ness commence!

1. I started a new thing... putting white cheddar goldfish on my salads. It is so yummy!

2. I was listening to the Book of Mormon soundtrack on my runs this weekend, and it made me wish I was a young, 20 something male. They have all the good roles in musicals!

3. I mentioned in an earlier blog how a friend (who still remains nameless, but HELLOOOOO there!!) let me borrow her copy of 50 Shades of Grey. I skimmed through eight chapters but had to stop. My take: It is definitely the literary version of porn- bad writing and a stupid story with graphic sex scenes. I won't hate on the book because it's not like it's trying to be something it isn't... It says right on the back that it's "Erotic Romance". I don't think it's supposed to be some deep, thought provoking novel. However, on the back cover it claims that the book will "obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever". Ummm... false!

4. And this, because it is so funny and so true!

Right, runners!!??

I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday! Tell me something random... Think Out Loud!


  1. Lol omg that last one just killed me. Thank you for the early morning laugh :D And tossing Goldfish onto salads is one of the best things. I've thrown them on top of soups and chilis before too, and they never fail to disappoint.

    1. Ooh that is a good idea! I always do tortilla chips in chili but DUH goldfish!

  2. Hahahh that last picture...I"m dying. I haven't had Goldfish in ages!! What's wrong with me? I also never read 50 Shades because my thoughts were exactly as you said. Just couldn't quite hop on that train.

    1. Welllll if you need something "spicy" to read (if you know what I mean!) I recommend it. But if you are looking for an actual GOOD book, no.

  3. I'm actually obsessed with goldfish. I'm basically a 5yr old. Pizza flavored is my favorite, which now that I think about it, is a bit painfully predictable.

    1. lol I wasn't even done reading your comment and thought to myself, "Of course pizza flavored goldfish are her favorite!"

  4. LMAO...that last pic!! SO TRUE!! There is nothing as wonderful and finally getting to a toilet when you've been clenching your cheeks against an explosion!!

    My issue with 50 Shades is the writing. People will read whatever genre they like, but there's no excuse for publishing such stilted, poorly-written trash. If you're gonna read erotica, at least find a novel that has some style!

    1. Very good point. At least then one could enjoy the book for the story as well. I started reading it word for word but then just skimmed through to the "good parts" because I couldn't take it!

  5. Aww cute! I love putting goldfish on my salad but usually only do it when I am at a salad bar. When i'm at home I usually eat the whole bag as is!

    1. They are so. addicting. Especially because there are so many awesome flavors.

  6. #4 .... that is priceless!!!

    I truly cannot understand the appeal that 50 Shades had, but it must have been short lived because I don't think I've heard anything about it in a long time. I made it half way through the book as well before giving up. I didn't mind the graphic aspect of it, but the writing was just atrocious. You're right though, it doesn't try to be anything that it's not. I mean I think it started out as fan faction that the woman just published into a book, and I imagine there is a lot of bad fan fiction on the Internet.

    1. It is pretty amazing. That woman is probably a millionaire yet I bet I could write better than her! I imagine a lot of middle school aged kids could too.

  7. LOL to the last picture! That is hilarious!!!! :)

  8. I LOVE goldfish! Have you ever had the pizza ones??? Awesome :D Where on earth do you find those hilarious pics? LOL.

    1. Yes I have, they taste just like pizza! :) The pics... well, the poop one I saw on FB and the cat one I just googled :)

  9. That last picture is amazing. Pretty much completely true. When you have to go, a toilet is pretty much the only thing that matters!

  10. That last one is my favorite ever. And I really hope it's not applicable to me during my race on Saturday. :)

  11. Thank you for never holding back with your posts! They always make me laugh! :-)
