
Friday, March 14, 2014

A Weird Workout...

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I've been known to do random workouts. My favorite thing to do in the summer is make up a crazy circuit workout to do in my front yard. I take whatever equipment I need outside... jump rope, kettle bell, stability ball... I love jumping around in the sunshine.

Once, I even combined one of my famous Deck of Cards workouts with a run. I would run 1 mile, then do 1/4 of a Deck of Cards workout... Then I would repeat the pattern and end with a 1 mile cool down. Yes, I'm the crazy girl that will run with a deck of cards in her hand and stop along the side of the road (safely) and do push ups and burpees mid run.

Last Wednesday was one of those mornings where I was supposed to do a cardio workout but I was feeling like a homebody. I did not want to go to Planet Fitness. My spin bike was my saving grace! I could sleep "late" and ride that!

I managed to sleep until 6:15am. After I fed the cats and chugged some coffee, I moved my spin bike into the sun room for some spinning/planking action. The best part is that I got to watch The View the whole time!

Here is my set up! I use the cat condo as a little table for my timer and water.

The towel is for the planking.

My workout: 5 minutes spin, then a 90 second plank. I repeated this 6 times.

I know it was sort of random, but I really wanted to stay home and I just needed something different, you know?

Do you have any weird at home workouts you do when you want to switch things up?


  1. I hardly ever do any workouts at home. I don't like to mix the place where I work hard with the place where I relax hard :) Since I use my condo gym, it's not as much of a big deal. I don't have to drive anywhere, just walk a few feet over to it! :)

    1. That's right! It's nice you are so close to your gym. I really can't complain about mine. Planet Fitness is only like 3 miles from my house, and there is NO traffic at 5:45am, so it takes me less than 10 minutes. But once in awhile I like to "sleep in" and shower at home.

  2. Haha I LOVE this and it is very similar to some of my home workouts. Two days ago I started out doing a leg workout and ended up doing push ups? I have no idea...clearly I was bored with my legs and wanted to move on haha. Have a great weekend!

  3. I am dying to get our backyard done so I can do outdoor workouts (besides running) again. I feel too weird doing it in the front yard. :) I'll have to try your deck of cards + running workout this summer!

    1. The only reason I sometimes do front yard is because I would use my front stoop for jumps and step ups. Yes do the DOC + running. It kills you!!! Much harder to do it during the run than before and after. Your muscles are like... whaaaaaaat!?

  4. Some days I absolutely cannot stand going to the gym. Luckily, I have a gym at my house too (I still need a squat rack and a bench press), so there are really no excuses. I also do videos when I am at home and I always end up finding the most random ones. Sometimes, we just need randomness to make it feel not so boring.

  5. I love the idea of random workouts! I should really do more of this :)

    1. I am normally not random but sometimes the mood strikes me :)

  6. Today I worked out a friend's house. The change in scenery really made the workout! So I'm in total agreement...moving your spin bike sounds like it worked for you!

    Now I need to get over my embarrassment of stopping on the treadmill to do planks or burpees baside it haha!

    1. If I saw someone doing that I would think they were bad ass! Don't be embarrassed!

  7. I LOVE random work outs! I'm glad I'm not the only one who runs and then stops to do an exercise move. I would run and do jumping jacks, squats or push ups on benches. People always looked at me like I was crazy but oh well! I am doing my own thing and I don't care. In the spring/summer/fall, after I run I always stretch on the porch and do some moves. I'm sure my neighbors think I am weird! Oh the beautiful weather :)

  8. The gym can be so annoying! A loner run is so relaxing.

  9. A) I didn't realize those things were called cat condos! And B) I love that you're not afraid to stop in the middle of the run and (safely) do burpees and such on the side of the road. I may have to apply this type of training to my workouts at some point. I did burpees into front yard at one point, not realizing my neighbors were sitting around their outdoor fireplace and enjoying watching me for entertainment. I was pretty mortified and haven't done any outside since then, lol.

    1. I bet they were just jealous that you were doing burpees and they were sitting on their asses!

  10. I am a major fan of at home workouts and burpees mid run. I haven't been to a gym in almost 7 years and I missed it at first but have managed to get really creative.

    1. That's awesome! I don't have weights to lift at home to I am stuck going to the gym for that. Otherwise, I am outside in the sunshiiiiiine!

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