
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What's flying through my head this morning...

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Happy Hump Day!

Sorry to confuse everyone yesterday. TODAY is Wednesday! It's another weird week, though. Professional development day on Monday, then a 2 hour delay on Tuesday and today. You know why? More snow and ice. I am dreaming of running and summer...

I am currently laying on the couch with the Today Show on. They are doing Olympic coverage, but I am not watching the Olympics so I don't really care about it. 

It's really strange for me to write something the same morning I post it, but I am feeling blabby today. (Not flabby. I actually controlled myself in the dessert department last night and woke up with my stomach growling!)

The cats are sleeping. Ironic, since they woke me up at 3:30am, 5:30am and then 6:30am. So much for sleeping in for my 2 hour delay! I may actually do something crazy like clean the house... (Haha no I won't, I will sit here on my lap top for 2 hours I bet!)

I'm debating on whether to go to the gym and arc train for a half hour or take today as a rest. I haven't done anything lower body in several days. The reason is my knee. Guess what? It hurts again. Of course there is the normal "just had surgery" type of hurt... I can't bend it the whole way and I can't go down steps right food first. But I also feel the same type of aching I had before my surgery. You heard it, folks! My knee is now aching when I am walking around my classroom, sitting down, teaching piano lessons, etc... the exact same way it hurt before I went through all this. 

What does this mean? I have no freaking clue. Maybe it is just sore because I can't properly stretch it or put it through the whole range of motion. Or maybe I was misdiagnosed. Whatever. I am honestly at the point where I have just accepted that maybe my knee is going to ache for the rest of my life. I know that sounds like I'm giving up but I don't know what the hell else to think? How many doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, gait analyzers, and knee surgeries must one go through (AND $$$$ BY THE WAY) to diagnose something that shouldn't be that difficult.

Okay, now I kind of wish I just posted my Hawai'i blog this morning like I was going to. Then I would be happy thinking about vacation.

Let's wrap this up with some WONDERFUL things that are going on in my life, rather than the cruddy!

1. Paul is feeling a lot better!

2. I'm going out to eat with Paul and my parents on Friday night!

3. We finally got some ant traps, as the ants have been taking over our pantry!

4. Paul and I started DVR'ing Seinfeld and spend our evenings laughing our heads off watching old episodes.

5. 40 days until April 1st, which I know is not the official start of spring, but here in PA, it can snow all the way through March! So I feel like spring will start peeking through in 40 days!

6. The kids at school have been cracking me up. Yesterday, during 3rd grade music class, I turned on Elton John's Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" and this one little boy, who is so quiet, started wiggling in his seat and lip syncing to it. I was not expecting it and burst out laughing. Ah, kids.

What thoughts are flying through your head this morning?
Teachers, tell me something funny a kid did recently.
Tell me something WONDERFUL going on with you right now!


  1. Oh no! I hope it's just because you haven't been using it fully and not because there is something still wrong :( I haven't seen Seinfeld in ages but it was my favorite show in elementary school! I remember how sad I was when it ended in 8th grade and how terrible the finale was haha.

    1. You are right the ended WAS terrible!! But some of the old episodes were soooo good. We watched the one where they got lost in the parking garage last night. That is definitely in my top 5 episodes.

  2. April 1st is right around the corner! I totally don't like to rush time but I am secretly counting down the days til March least March is almost here :)

    I hope your knee pain goes away! It must be so frustrating thinking you were getting the problem fixed, and now you have the same pain. Sending happy thoughts your way!!!! :)

  3. When do you go for your next follow up with the doctor/surgeon? Hopefully he can provide some more insight into the pain. I've got my fingers crossed that it's just lingering from the surgery and stiffness.

    I love catching old episodes of Seinfeld, always puts a smile on my face! ;)

    1. I don't have another appt, I am just supposed to call or sked one if I have a problem in my recovery. He said I should be 100% in 6 weeks (which is 3 weeks away) so if I am not I am calling him!

  4. I am wondering if it is just because you cannot move it to full range of motion yet? And things are tight? Pain pain go away!

    Something teacher funny related: One of my students told me he could spell Sexy with his letter sort using those magnet letters. Appalled, I looked over and saw "S-A-X-E." You know, Sexy like in the song" he says. OMGoodness! What does one say to that???? LOL

    1. Oh girl, I hope so. It does feel less stiff the more I move it. As for your student... HA! I would say in that situation, change the subject ASAP!!! Remind me what grade you teach?

    2. I teach grade 1 and 2 so my students are 6 and

  5. I was helping a student with a math problem when he dropped his pencil on the ground. He came back up from picking it up and pretending to cough really loudly at the same time throwing a huge hairball he had found on the ground on the table. He said, "Oh sorry. I've been working that one up for days!" It was so unexpected I nearly died laughing.

    I am hoping the pain is just because you can't get a full range of motion! I'm sending you healing thoughts.

  6. Your frustration is palpable. I'm so sorry that your knee is still bugging you. I hope it's just a normal part of the healing process. Did the scope not confirm for sure what was going on? If running on it isn't doing MORE damage, is the pain at a level you can deal with?

    You're probably still recovering. Remember, get back into it slowly, even if you're champing at the bit!

    1. Thank you Ali, yes it actually is a level I could deal with if I had to. As always, thanks for your encouragement. :)

  7. Sorry about your knee. That has to be SO frustrating.

    It snows in CO through March, too...and sometimes all the way into May, which is super awesome. I asked one of my kids today when the first baseball game is, and he said, "March 18. So expect a blizzard around then." Ha. We at least get some gorgeous warmer stretches mixed in there.

    1. I would love to visit CO, it's on me and my hubby's list. :)

  8. Ok totally WEIRD because I didn't read your post until just now but I posted something about Jerry Seinfeld on my blog today, too. I do have ESPN, you know.

    Please don't tell me it's going to snow through March, I do NOT want to have to worry about snow when I'm driving to Pennsylvania next week. Especially since I'll be driving a commercial van that I'm pretty sure doesn't have 4-wheel drive, even though my car does. :-( sorry I was supposed to tell you something wonderful. I'm kind of a downer today too since I still can't run either.

    1. We can be downers together! It's supposed to snow TWICE next week!! Bring your boots! :)

  9. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm going to the doctor for my calf and I just ask why. They seem to never really know what's going on. I'm so sorry about your frustration. You have ants? This time of year? I had them last year and it drove me INSANE. My landlord would do nothing about it so I was always trying to find new ways to attack. The ant traps are effective but only after a day or so, and then eventually they find a new way to get in. Not looking forward to that again this year. Something wonderful? The weather is nice, and I'm enjoying this $25 for two weeks unlimited deal at this new fancy gym where my friend works, so Ive been getting in some awesome strength training sessions and feeling less dough-y. lol! I'm also doing a good job of staying in budget this month.

    1. Yay for strength training! I know why we have ants... my husband doesn't close the cookie bag the whole way!!! ;) hehehe....

  10. Sorry to hear about your knee still giving you issues... I know all to well spending so much time and money on doctors, PT, surgery, etc.... Although my pain is much better since my arthroscopy (where they just "cleaned it up - remember they thought I had a tear, I did not but I have grade III-IV chondromalacia..) Anyway for me at least it does not hurt when running but it does in the middle of the night when I go to roll over, etc... I don't know if I will every fulfill my dream of running a marathon or even another half at this point. Have you every thought of acupuncture... In my frustration with modern medicine I tried it for some hip issues and it actually cured it (PT, medications, shots did not help one bit). Worth a try for sure.

    1. Never tried accu. I turned over a new leaf today. I decided not to be Debby Downer. It has not totally healed, so I am not going to get ahead of myself. He said it would be 100% in 3 weeks so I am going to wait until then and reassess. Today, they "surgery" type hurting is better. I can almost bend it the whole way without discomfort. I think i am going to try running tomorrow. :)
