
Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Friday, the day after my knee scope, was spent mostly laying on the couch. It still hurt a lot to put weight on my left leg, so the little bit of hobbling around I did was with the help of crutches. I hate Vicodin, but I did take two around 2pm and that allowed me to rest and sleep for about 4 hours. This weekend, we actually had a lot of social plans, and I didn't want to cancel them just because of  my knee. I haven't done anything with friends in quite a long time, so it was important to me to be out and about this weekend, as planned. 

Thank goodness my procedure was on my left knee, which allowed me to drive! Otherwise, Paul and I would be stuck in the house for who knows how long!

On Friday night, we went to Jeff & Tammy's house for a game night with old friends and new friends. We decided against using the Cards Against Humanity cards for charades and simply played the game the old fashioned offensive way it was designed to be played.

I look drunk in this picture but I was the only one not drinking!
Actually, I was "bad" and had a Sprite Zero, which was quite divine.

Saturday I was able to put weight on my knee and walk, as long as I didn't straighten or bend it too much! Wahoo! Now I didn't have to depend on Paul to carry stuff for me. I'm still wasn't at the point where I could lift at the gym, so we did a little make shift gym in the back room of our basement with an old weight bench, some dumb bells, and my computer (to listen to last week's SNL so I didn't get bored).

My set up. All lifting was done sitting or lying down,
except my lateral raises.

Gotta keep the leg elevated!

Warmin' up!

Eek... time to dye the hair!

I was able to do chest press, shoulder press, dumb bell fly, overhead tricep extensions, bicep curls, lateral raises, and curl and press. Notice there are no back exercises. I couldn't think of anything for my back that I could do while sitting or laying. If you have any ideas, please let me know! Same with abs... I don't think there is anything I can do yet that does not require bending or putting weight on my left leg. Again, if you have a creative solution, please share!

Saturday's workout can be summed up with the following...

Remember I said we actually had lots of fun plans this weekend and I wasn't going to let a little knee surgery deter those plans? Well, Saturday night we made the hour and fifteen minute drive to Baltimore to celebrate our friend Max's birthday! I brought a cooler for my ice pack so it was ALL GOOD.

I was flying fast and loose with the fake sugar this weekend...

Meet Huxley, Maren and Max's GORGEOUS PUG WHO I WANT TO EAT.
"It's a party, Huxley!!" - Maren

Meet Maren! We have been friends since we were 14 or 15 years old.
We performed in community theater together.

Meet Ruby Sue! Maren and Max's other pretty fur baby.
"Ruby Sue, it's a party!" -Maren

Apparently, Paul wants to eat Huxley, too.

You would think I would have taken a picture of Max. I mean, it was his birthday, after all.
Nope. I just kept taking dog pics.
Sorry, Max.

Sunday I saw even MORE improvements in my knee! It was still swollen. I could straighten it the whole way without it feeling too weird, but still couldn't bend it the whole way. I just can't believe how fast it has improved since Friday. I am not ready to elliptical or run or anything, but I do see some bent over rows at Planet Fitness in my near future!

I had some grocery shopping to do that afternoon. On the way home I stopped at Wegman's and Target...

Mmmmmm sushi and sashimi from Wegman's!!

Remember these cute yellow socks I got from the hospital that made me so happy?
I went to Target to buy legit yellow socks but they didn't have any!

But they did have cut off short overalls. 
In case you were wondering if the 90s trends have really come back, well, here is your answer.
Pair with patterned tights, a flannel, and combat boots, 
and you will look like Clarissa from Clarissa Explains it All.

I didn't watch the Super Bowl. I don't like football. My husband had his friends over to watch it so I hid in another room to ensure the party was a no-wife zone. I am happy to do it. You couldn't pay me to watch a football game.


Well, PA is having another winter storm. I got a call at 5:15 this morning saying school was cancelled. I finally rolled out of bed at 8:30 to a beautiful winter wonderland! And it's supposed to snow all day!

And now... Jelly chases snowflakes!

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Do you have a snow day today?
Did you watch the Super Bowl?
Did you ever have a pair of cut off short overalls?


  1. I had overall shorts WITH A ROSE PATTERN ON THEM. I wore them with one shoulder unhooked, and was the picture of 4th grade fashion ;)

    1. LOL! It is only a matter of time before they start putting the flower pattern on the over all shorts, as I have seen the flower pattern on pants and boots already. One shoulder unhooked??? I'm sure my 9 yr old self coveted them!!

  2. Awww I love the pictures of Jelly in the window!! So pretty :)

    I'm really excited for you that bent over rows are in your near future because they are my favorite (if you can have a favorite for this sort of thing, haha). I need to push myself harder though, I've been stuck using the 45lb-ers since I started this new half marathon training cycle. I find it so hard to push myself weight lifting AND running at the same time!

    Enjoy your day off and rest that knee so you can get back to normal fast! ;)

    1. Thank you :) I think he is gorgeous, but of course I do because he is mine! I understand the dichotomy of improving in both running and lifting. Since I started lifting, I had to seriously decrease my mileage- simply because I refuse to run on leg day! But I know with you, you are upping your mileage in preparation for your 1/2, so it is kind of the double edged sword!

  3. Oh man, always had to be one shoulder unhooked! I had American flag print overall shorts when I was at my coolest (age 8). For abs, have you thought of doing just straight leg exercises? I leave my legs straight on the floor spread in a V and do sit ups, twisting to one side as I come up. And if you can lift your leg at all, you could do reverse sit-ups, no bending required! Can't think of anything for your back though :(

    1. Thank you! The leg raises are totally doable today- I just laid on the floor and tested it. ;) I just thought of stability ball passes, too. I love/hate those so they will be good. I think we should all post pics of ourselves in our overalls!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The snow is beautiful! I get a little jealous because it doesn't snow here and I've only seen proper snow once before.

    For your back, you can try setting up the bench on an incline and sitting face-down so your chest is against the seat. You can extend your legs straight underneath you so they don't have to bend. And then row - it will hit more of your upper back and rear delts but better than nothing!

    1. Tara, thank you, I didn't even think of something like that!

  6. Oh my goodness I used to love Clarissa Explain it all haha! Thank you for reminding me of that show. I watched the Super Bowl, but I wish I didn't it was so boring and even the commercials sucked, such a letdown! I hope you continue to heal quickly and are back on your feet in no time!

  7. Was thinking of you this weekend Megan! Can't believe you are already weight training after your surgery! I was delighted to see the pretty snow this morning! An unexpected surprise!

    1. Aw thank you! Tomorrow I am going to brave Planet Fitness for some more weight training. I'm so tired of sittin' on my bum. :)

  8. No snow here, thank goodness! I hear we are suppose to get some Wednesday though so we shall see!
    I LOVE the Super Bowl, one of my fave days :) :)

  9. Over here in California, we are having a massive drought. It rained for about 2 minutes this morning and then it was over. It's really scary thinking about summer. So no snow day for us (we never, ever, ever have snow days). You remind me of me. If I had surgery on my knee, I'd still be in the weight room doing whatever I can. I am physically unable to sit still.

    1. I know you would totally be in the weight room too! It is so hard to not workout like usual. Tomorrow I'm going to the "real" gym and I hope to feel a little normal again!

  10. Ahh good for you for still working out! I don't know if I'd have it in me. I haven't had a snow day and I don't think I'm going must be in my job's rule book to never cancel work. WAHHHHH.

    1. Luckily I'm a teacher and they worry about the kids!

  11. Your cat chasing snowflakes is super funny! I had too much fun this weekend, I pretty much ate and drank all weekend! I did run, and do a few chores, so I wasn't totally useless. And yes, I watched the Super Bowl, but it helped that my team was playing and won!
    Glad your knee is improving so quickly, hope you keep it up!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Glad your weekend was awesome! It sounds like the perfect amount of fun and gettin' shit done. :)

  14. OMG those shorts. No, just no! lol! For my birthday this year I had some people over and we played charades. I had forgotten how fun it was...especially when you've had some wine. So glad the knee is improving quickly. I'll keep my fingers crossed it keeps improving quickly. I think you know what I did this weekend. :) I did go over to someone's house to watch the SB. I was exhausted but they had pizza and beer so that was enough to make me drive over and watch the game. :)

    1. Perfect!!! You needed some carbs to refuel. :)

  15. LOL...I love your reaction to the overalls! I'm so happy your knee is feeling better. Very awesome make shift gym. I sort of do a similar thing in my living room when I I really hope I get a snow day on Wednesday!

    1. I think you will get one! I think we will too... again... Augh. I have not had a full week of work without closings or delays since before Christmas!!!!

  16. We got a good amount of snow here, too, of course right after the last of it melted away yesterday! I did watch football but only to spend time with the hubby, I couldn't have cared less about who won and eventually fell asleep when I have up on Denver ever making a comeback. I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the previous night, and then after running 12 miles, I was TIRED!!!

  17. CAH for charades...oh my GOSH the dirtiness that would ensue!! I am totally going to think about this next time we play hahahaha

    1. I know, how many showers would one need after doing that???
