
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The ABCs of... ME!

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I had a new idea for a blog series so you could get to know me a little bit better. I urge other bloggers to join in, too! All you do is go through the alphabet and think of words or phrases that describe you and your life. (I’m sure you had an assignment like this in middle school language arts class, right!?) I’m not going to do the whole alphabet in one post, I’m going to break it into chunks. Check out Part I and Part II of the series. Now onto Part III!

When I work out, I am a git 'er done type of gal. I don't like to talk to people
at the gym, I don't like to take breaks, I just like to go, go go. There is currently a guy
who works at the gym who stops and talks to me several times during a workout.
I am annoyed. I need to think of a nice was to tell him to buzz off. I have shit to do.

I teach elementary music during the day, but 3 days a week, after
work, I teach private piano lessons at my home. I like to keep it to
around 10 students. That way I still have a life, but can also go to Hawai'i and
not feel bad about it!

When I am studying, reading, writing lesson plans... anything that requires
focus, I have to have it quiet. I don't like music or TV in the background. I used to
be able to study with the TV on (waaaaaay back in college) but not anymore.


I cry very easily. Happy or sad, the tears are a-flowin'.
I even cry at game shows when people win a lot of money. I just get so happy for them!

I want to travel more! I am definitely not a "traveler", but I want to be. I need
to hit up a few more destinations before I can say I reached "traveler" status.

Will you join me in this blog series? I'd love to learn more about you!
Describe yourself using the letters above! Write your own post, or leave it in the comments!


  1. Apart from the first one (I love talking to the gym and frequently get in trouble for gossiping too much!), I can relate to all of these!

  2. I don't cry easily at all, very very rarely actually. And I avoid the things that make it happen, so no sad animal movies for me ever. I'm such a huge fan of travel, all my favorite experiences and things I love that I've done are travel-related...even my wedding and grad school since I went overseas for my MA program!

    1. Oh my gosh I would never ever watch a sad animal movie either.

  3. Nice choice of words - ophidiophobia! I probably spelled it wrong right there. In fact, I'm sure I did. I think I'll join you with the ABC'd of me, hopefully I'll get a chance to post today!

  4. Today I need to combine two of these letters in a comment: O for old and Q for quiet.

    Last night someone in my building decided to have a party until 4:30am. I couldn't fall asleep because it wasn't quiet, so I submitted a complain to the building manager about the noise which made me feel old. When did I become that person who complains about the college kids making too much noise on a weeknight because I have to go to work the next morning?! hah.

    But seriously... where did these kids come from?! I have never heard this noise level before and everyone that lives here is about 30 years old+. I wonder if someone rented out their condo using AirBNB or something .... okay, sorry for the rant! :)

    For the guy at the gym, I just would stop responding and just give him the "yep" + head nod/bob and then walk away. That is usually a pretty clear indicator that the talking is now over haha

    1. Oh my I totally relate! Maybe a Fri or Sat I'd be a little lenient, but if I had to work in the morning, a loud party would REALLY annoy me! Thanks for the advice on the guy at the gym. I managed to avoid him today!

  5. The only time that I feel fortunate that I was blessed with a "resting bitch face" is when I am in the weight room at the gym. Please don't strike up a conversation. The last thing I want to do is have a long, drawn out talk with someone I don't know. I've got heavy things to lift! If someone does try to talk to me, I give very short answers and then move on. It usually give them a hint that I want to be left alone.

  6. Ohhh gosh there is a guy in my Chem lecture that I ALWAYS see at the gym when I'm doing something really sweaty and gross, like spinning...and he just strikes up a completely normal conversation with me. Every day. I think I need to work on "resting bitch face" too...haha!

  7. I have an extreme fear of snakes also! I never knew the word for the phobia but I definitely have it. I cry uncontrollably every time I see one. So embarrassing but I can't help it!

    1. They are soooo scary. Do you live in a state w/ lots of snakes????

    2. I live in NC and I've heard that we have a lot of dangerous snakes. Luckily I've only seen one once and it was during a run of course! Almost stepped on it!!

  8. Ahhhh, I love these posts!
    I want to learn how to play piano! I am coming over :)
    I also need it to be quiet as well - sometimes I can have music but if I am rereading lesson plans or reading over something I have to turn it off.
    I honestly thought you would have put something different for R - just to trick us!
    I am also a softy. I cry at EVERYTHING! :)

    1. lol let me thing of another for R.... ummm.... Ravenous!!!!

    2. Don't say that... now I am thinking of "Ravenous" - the most amazing crepe place in our town ;-)

  9. Oh I so love this post! I definitely have ophidiphobia! (sp) When I see snakes in the trail I shriek and stop dead in my tracks. :(

  10. WHY would that guy at the gym talk to you all the time?! Don't people know working out is a time to focus and get out your frustrations and stuff? It's the most dangerous time to approach people! lol
