
Sunday, February 9, 2014

The ABCs of... ME! (Part II)

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I had a new idea I had for a blog series so you could get to know me a little bit better. I urge other bloggers to join in, too! All you do is go through the alphabet and think of words or phrases that describe you and your life. (I’m sure you had an assignment like this in middle school language arts class, right!?) I’m not going to do the whole alphabet in one post, I’m going to break it into chunks. Part I of the series is here, now onto Part II!

We love hosting game nights! We provide the snacks, the games, and the
house. They provide the booze. Fun is had by all!

I have a very hard time relaxing. Especially after work. Sometimes I feel like
I am wound so tight... I'm working on it.

If I ever appear to be patient, it's because I'm trying really hard!

I love me some coffee! Paul makes us big jugs of iced coffee. It's cheaper
than buying it every morning. (Yes, we drink iced coffee in the winter!)

I love my kitties! They are the loves of my life.

There's no denying that I am a very lucky lady. I got my man, I got my kitties,
I got a house and a job... That's all I need, really!

I'm a music teacher, of course I am musical!
I play the piano and clarinet. I was a voice major in college.
I have performed in musicals since I was 9 years old.
But I don't listen to music when I run! What' up with that!?

Will you join me in this blog series? I'd love to learn more about you!
Describe yourself using the letters above! Write your own post, or leave it in the comments!


  1. I think the impatient and high strung attributes go hand in hand...I know this because I can relate. A little fact though: I'm way more impatient with myself than I am with other people.

    1. Ooh I don't know if that is better or worse? I thought running was supposed to make us Zen!?

  2. What a fun idea! I went back to your first post and read it as well! This is a fun way to get to know bloggers! I may have to do it as well!
    I love game nights! They are so much! Last night we played Pictionary with our friends and it was hilarious!!!!!
    I love that you are a music teacher! I am certified 1-6 in general and special education. I had my first teaching position in the fall but nothing since! I have to stay positive though :)

    1. I am terrrrrrible at pictionary. Note: A is NOT for "artistic" hahaha! I hope you find another teaching position. Do you sub in the meantime?

  3. Okay, I love this post! I will have to think about my answers because for all of your answers, I was like: "Yeah, I'm that too, Yeah, that also sounds like me....." So, I'd better think about it. LOL.

    1. Haha maybe it's the "running" thing that makes us impatient and high strung!? OR THE TEACHING THING HAHA!

  4. I am definitely high strung. I can't relax until about 7pm or so. I always have grand plans of napping, then I lay there for 5 minutes and decide I have better things to do.

    1. oh my husband naps all the time. Darrrrrn him! (He and I are complete opposites, though!)

  5. Do you like watching shows like The Voice? I won't watch American Idol or any of the others, but I really like The Voice.

    I am seriously high strung too. That's why I always run after work... it helps me calm down a little bit so I can try to relax before bed.

    1. I actually don't watch The Voice or similar shows. I used to watch American Idol yeaaaars ago and really liked it. But it got old. Maybe I should try to go for a walk or something after work to unwind. It's just so hard. By the times it's 6, it's dark, like 10 degrees out, and I'm starving. I use wine to unwind at that point...

  6. I am definitely also high strung! I think that's a big reason why I've been an insomniac lately, because I just can't relax, EVER. It sucks. The only thing that helps me relax is running!

    1. I know... I thought running was supposed to relax us, but it seems like us runners just can't relax!

  7. I'm with you on all but K...I'm allergic!

    (Your recommended post at the bottom has a nice lovely picture of Dan Savage, which reminds me that I've been listening to Savage Love pretty much nonstop. Addicted!)
