
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hurts So Good!

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First of all, thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback on yesterday's post! You made me not feel like a freak of nature and reminded me that this shall all pass and I will be strong and healthy soon. Whether you shared a personal story, offered me some motivation, or simply agreed that things sometimes suck, it was very helpful reading your comments! So thank you!


There are certain fitness activities that ALWAYS make me sore if I haven't done them for a few weeks or a few months. It doesn't matter how good of shape I'm in, the following activities make me sore if I take a few weeks off from doing them...

 1. Tae-Bo 

 My shoulders and arms are usually killing me the day after a session with Billy Blanks. I only recently got rid of my Tae-Bo DVDs because I realized you can find them on Youtube.

 2. Zumba 

 I wrote about how awesome Zumba is wayyyyy back when I first started my blog. I know it's crazy, but it's usually my back that hurts after a heart pumpin' Zumba class. And whenever my back hurts, it makes me feel old!

 3. Trail Running

You use muscles you didn't even know you had when you trail run. Mostly your ankles. My ankles are screaming if I take a break from the trail.

 4. Kettle bell Swings

 Even though I do squats with the Smith machine at the gym, if I do kettle bell swings, my glutes are so sore the next day! Like, "can't sit on the toilet" sore!

What activities always make you super sore?
Did you ever do Tae Bo or Zumba?
Road runner or trail runner or BOTH!!??


  1. Zumba makes me SO sore! I remember after the first time I did it I was like pshhh whatevs and then the next morning I was like omg I can't move my arms haha I think because it's such a different kind of workout than what I'm used to. It's a good one though!

    1. Definitely! Doing anything "different", no matter how in shape we are, usually results in some hurtin'!

  2. Burpees always make me super sore the next day, but I love the feeling! I'm mostly a road runner because there aren't many trails where I live. I like running on the beach because the sand allows me to use different muscles in my legs and I'm always really sore the next day!

    1. Oh I forgot about beach running! That makes me sore, too!

  3. Confession: I read blogs on my phone when I have breaks throughout the day, but I can't comment from my phone. I read your post yesterday and I feel the exact same way when I don't get cardio in. I know it's stupid and wrong of me to think, but I can't help it. I even do my cardio before I lift, which I know you're not supposed to do, simply because if I didn't, I would skip it and that would give me anxiety too. I'm nuts I think.

    T25 makes me sore every single time. I don't know what it is!

    1. Don't beat yourself up! Sometimes I do cardio before I do upper body but I actually NEVER do cardio on lower body days. My philosophy is, if I have energy left to run, I didn't work hard on my lifts. I just make sure I have a good run planned for the day after and it keeps me in the weird sort of balance I have made for myself.

  4. Doing bootcamp workouts have made me very sore! I'd like to try zumba sometime though!

    1. If you do Zumba, try to find a class with Catherine Cormany. She teaches in our area and she is NO JOKE!

  5. I really need to expand my cross training horizons and try Zumba! It looks like so much fun but I have very little coordination so it might be a disaster for me ;) I think that's why i've been avoiding it!

    1. Even if it's a disaster it will be the most fun you ever had during a disaster!

  6. LOL...can't sit on the toilet sore: I had that after last year's Boston Marathon!

    OmG! I used to do Tae Bo back in University!!! I haven't done it since then. (cough: over ten years ago). ;)

  7. I did a cardio core class last year that gave me that feel good, vomit inducing workout that I've heard you speak of. It was a total body workout and TOUGH, but it helped me shave down :30 in my pace. I've also done both Zumba classes, and the video game. Unfortunately, I didn't think the classes were tough enough, but the video game makes me work SO hard!

    1. That is so crazy- I am the opposite. Video did nothing for me, class was AMAZING. Although I think it totally depends on your instructor. I have walked out of Zumba classes before because the intensity just wasn't what I was looking for!

    2. I think it helped that I took what I learned in my class and applied it to the I think it depends on the video of them did nothing for me, the cardio core one made me super sore!

  8. I want my own kettle bell so badly but Matt pointed out that eventually I'll need heavier and heavier weights, and then we'll have to buy more and more kettle bells.

    I've been doing T25 with a friend at work (I'll be posting on it soon) and that's GREAT cardio but may not be easy on the knee.

    1. Kettle bells are expensive! The one I pictured is not mine. Mine is huge. It is pretty crappy but it was cheap from Marshall's. I never heard of T25, I'm excited to hear your thoughts on it!

  9. I love Tae-Bo! Whenever I do the DVD I have I am sore for like 2 days, it is awesome! I want to try some kettle ball workouts. I think next time I go to the gym with Gunshow I will be doing some of those work outs! I love when you are sore from workouts - it means your body is making progress!

    1. I like feeling sore too :) But just for like a day so I can get back at it!

  10. I took a free class at a new studio nearby last week and I swear I did the same types of squats and lunges I normally do with my fitness apps, but oh man I was sore! I think the MOST surprisingly sore I've ever been was when I went wake boarding, Every inch of me hurt the next day (in a good way), legs, arms, butt,! And to think all I was doing was hanging on!

  11. All this talk of classes and DVS's are getting me excited. I'm at the ol Planet Fitness right now to afford something less while in school but I graduated earlier this month so I can't wait to get into a gym with classes or hop on the cross fit train soon!

    1. I do Planet Fitness, too! I could afford something else but it has all I need so I just go there. Congrats on graduating!
