
Sunday, December 29, 2013

I have another challenge for you! PUSH YOURSELF.

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True story. I was at the gym the other day working my back, biceps, and legs. I had designed a short HIIT workout comprising of mainly plyometrics to do after I was done lifting. But as the lifting portion of my workout was drawing to an end, the HIIT workout I had planned looked a little more daunting. I was tired and didn't know if I had the energy to do all that jumping and flopping around. It would've be so much easier to just do a quick 2 mile run on the treadmill and call it a day...

But as I stared at the workout I had written down for myself, I decided I was going to do it. Sure, it was going to be a challenge, but that's the point, right? Working out and training isn't always supposed to be easy or comfortable. Running 2 miles would be very comfortable- so what's the point? They would be junk miles. And I have been making an effort not to run junk miles. So I had no other choice. The decision had been made. I was going to do the horrible workout I concocted because it WOULD be a challenge. I needed to PUSH MYSELF!

Here's what I did...

At first it wasn't so bad. I got into a groove. The jump squats and burpees were fine. By the time I got to the bicycles, my legs were almost too tired to push in and out. Doing 45 squats in a row was torture and by the time I started the jumping jacks, my legs and arms felt like jelly!

I thought it would take me 20-22 minutes but it took 32 minutes. I took no breaks except to grab a quick sip of water.

My challenge is not for you to do this exact workout. My challenge for you is to do something that PUSHES you the next time you want to take the easy way out! 

You will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them.

What's the last terrible workout you did?


  1. Great job!! My long runs are terrible. I mean I freakin' HATE those last two miles. What's funny is my long runs I'm noticing on other people's blogs is their cool down or fun run. Like someone runs 13 miles for fun! :) Holy crap! I literally do it and just make it through it, which has me nervous as hell when it comes to the upcoming half I'm running. But I swear and I'm sure you know this too...when you make it through those tough days/workouts, there is such a sense of accomplishment. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. :)

    1. You are amazing! I have been there. I'm still there some days- pushing through the last 2 miles. It doesn't matter if the last two miles are #5 and #6 or if they're #12 and #13- we're pushing ourselves, that's all that matters!

  2. I love this workout! I think I may try it but with smaller numbers, because I need to work up to where you are. My goal in 2014 is to do more squats so my butt and thighs finally tone up! It looks like this would really help :o)

    1. Oh yah squats will get your booty popping! You could do the workout I did but do 5-10 reps of each exercise and still do like the 12 days of Christmas. I am sure it will still SUCK! (In a good way!)

  3. Liking this workout, and with all the wine & chocolate I've pounded this holiday season, I can use all the new workouts I can get!
