
Friday, December 20, 2013

Did I ever tell you how wonderful my husband is? (MY 200TH POST!!!!)

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Dear Blog Readers,

This is my 200th post! I can't believe it. Since I started my bog in June, I have blogged every single day! I never dreamed I would have so much to say, but I guess I do.

Thank you for reading and commenting! It is fun getting to know you better through your comments and your own personal blogs. It's nice to know their are other nutty runners, fitness geeks, and food lovers out there!

Most of the time I just write about what I feel like writing about, but if you have questions or want me to write about a certain topic, or elaborate on an experience I have had, let me know! Sometimes I get writers block... that can happen when trying to write every day! So I am welcome to suggestions.

And now... onto your regularly scheduled Meg Go Run ramblings.... 

Did I ever tell you how wonderful my husband is? 

I seriously won the husband lottery when I married him. I am not the perfect wife. I can be stubborn and high strung. Most of the time I just need to chill out. I think I am getting better at that, but we all have our moments. He puts up with me during those times when it may be difficult to put up with me… That’s marriage, right? I am thankful for him every single day.

We love to do duck face poses. There's nothing more pathetic than
a couple in their 30s doing the duck face!

Last year he went to The View with me!

This picture is at least 5 years old. We look so young!!

Anyway, back to my hubby being awesome. Listen to what he did for me last week…
Tuesday was a super busy day for me. My schedule was: gym, work, 4 piano lessons, then back to school for my chorus concert. I literally had no time for anything. No time to change, make dinner... nada. But my hubby was there for me! Piano lessons were over at 6pm. I had to be back at school at 6:25pm. At 6pm on the dot, I put on my coat. Paul handed me my water bottle (with ice!) and a chicken sandwich. He told me the rest of my dinner was in the car (a sliced up apple and a baggie of trail mix). Oh, and my car was already started with the heater blasting.
I told you I won the husband lottery!
He’s all mine, ladies!

**On a random note, as I was driving to my concert that night, I marveled at how mothers who work outside the home DO it??? I don’t even have kids, and I still am super busy and don’t even have time to make dinner for myself some nights, let alone children! I am tired just thinking about it.**
I’m currently trying to figure out what to get my husband for Christmas. We’re not doing presents for each other this year because we’re saving money for our Hawaii trip. But I want to get him something small, or make him something, or do something very meaningful. For some reason, I can’t come up with any good ideas this year! Last year I made him a personalized pillowcase with pictures of our cats all over it. Let me tell you, it was a huge hit!

With just a few days before Christmas, I’m cutting it pretty close! Do you have any ideas for me? (Don’t worry, he rarely reads my blog. He says he already hears all of my stories!)
What’s the most thoughtful, meaningful present you got for your partner?


  1. What about an album/scrapbook of your 2013 together?!?

  2. We don't have kids, so one year for Father's Day, I made my husband a card "from the dog" with coupons in it. I think there were five coupons for free cuddle sessions in it. I even draw paw prints on the coupons, so it looked like they had my dog's personal stamp on it. Maybe you can do nuzzle sessions with the cat? LOL. Or just do something like your husband gets a free hug or massage fr you! You can tailor these types of cards/coupons however you want to!

    1. That is such a cute Father's Day gift! I bet your hubby loved it. :)

  3. Congrats on your 200th post!!
    ...and you my friend, did win the husband lottery :)
