
Saturday, November 9, 2013

46 Days Until Christmas!!!

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I love Christmas!  Actually, I love the time leading up to Christmas more than Christmas Day itself. So it’s not like I’m counting down the days until Christmas, I am looking forward to enjoying the 46 days until it is here!
I think the reason I love the holiday season so much is because I have such wonderful childhood memories of this time of year. My mom and dad always made Christmas very special. We would pick out a tree as a family and then decorate it together. My brothers and I had our own Avon box full of our very own Hallmark Ornaments. I always looked forward to hanging my absolute favorite one on the tree. Our house had candles in every window and decorations inside and outside. My mom made Christmas cookies, played holiday music (this album was my favorite!) and let me help wrap presents. Oh, and every Christmas we would go out to Ames and pick out a child off the angel tree and buy presents for someone who wouldn’t otherwise get any.
So I don’t mind when there is Christmas music playing on November 1st or when the holiday decorations are in the stores before Halloween has come and gone. All the holiday movies, commercials, music, and decorations just remind me of being a kid.

My dad had the coolest train set. There was a chicken car that lit up
and smoke came out the smoke stack!
My mom made most of the ornaments on the tree and strung the popcorn.

I was destined to be a singer!

This picture just cracks me up so much. Tyler is distracted, Julian is pissed,
and I am looking at the ceiling...

Barbie Surf Shop!?
Yes, please!!! 

If you look closely, you will see I am holding Thundercat figurines.

Capitol Rotunda
Why did Julian have on pants AND shorts?

One of the best Christmas gifts EVER!!!!!

Do you like the holiday season?
Do you mind when stores have Christmas decorations out in October?


  1. My favorite of your blogs, Megan. I want to share a Christmas story with your readers. I hope you don’t mind. If you do, just delete it.
    One Christmas when you were pretty young, but old enough to run into Sears by yourself, I gave you ten bucks to buy something there. I think it was socks, and I was expecting at least five bucks in change. The rest of us were waiting for you at a bench. When you came back with your purchase, I asked for my change. You proudly exclaimed, “I put it in the Salvation Army bucket.” My first thought was, how could you do that? (We weren’t in a position to put five bucks in the bucket that day.) But how could I growl you for doing something so kind? I simply said that was very nice of you. To this day, you are one of the most generous people I know.

  2. Omg I LOVED looking at all of these pictures! And I had totally forgotten about those lampshades your mom had with the fringe on the bottom, but I always thought they were so cool!

  3. Love this!!! The pictures were great and it definitely made me nostalgic. There is nothing like Christmas as child. Your face in the pic where you get the bike is absolutely priceless! Merry (early) Christmas!

  4. Haha thanks Brittany! I should post the pic my mom took when she told me we were going to see The Magic of David Copperfield at Hershey Theater. I was in 4th grade. We LOVED David Copperfield. I believe I was bawling in the picture.
