
Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Well, Friday started out in the most glorious way ever imaginable. As I was getting out of my car in the dark parking lot of Planet Fitness around 5:56 am, I heard my cell phone ringing in the backseat. I had no clue who could be calling so early. It was work. There would be no school at the elementary or middle school due to a power outage. I literally yelled, "Woooooo!" right there in the parking lot. I was so glad I got the call before I went into the gym because now I could take my time during my workout. Oh, and the best part? We probably won't have to make up the day since the high school and other elementary school was in session. Double "Wooooo!"

So, what did I do instead of go to work???

1. I went on an afternoon walk along the Yellow Breeches with my hubby.

2. Squealed in delight when he came out of the bathroom clean shaven!

3. Watched The House At The End of The Street. It was a good movie, but I swear I never uttered the words, "She deserves to die!" during a movie more than I did during this one. Just watch the movie. You'll understand.

4. Kicked my hubby's butt in You Don't Know Jack.

5. Gave Basey-Girl some TLC. She still isn't feeling well. A trip to the vet on Monday is going to happen.

6. Finally wrote some blogs. I get anxious if I don't have 7-10 ready to go. I was down to 3... and they weren't that great!

7. Went to bed super early- 10:30pm!


Saturday morning was glorious as well. I hiked the AT with one of my best friends. And I got to meet her daughter for the first time!

Leona did very well on her first ever AT hike. She just chilled in the Baby Bjorn the whole time and didn't cry at all.

Here come the Big Girls!!!

Aren't their hats cute? My momma made them! Hats By Peach!

The view from the power line.
The clouds were very low!

After the hike, I was super tired for some reason. But I had no time to relax. There was lots to do! First, we cleaned the house. It's not a fun job, but it's so satisfying when it's done.

Then I went for a 6 mile run. My knee felt GREAT the whole time, but I didn't go longer because my one hamstring is still sore from my epic run on Wednesday. (And by epic, I mean 5.5 miles.)

After my run, I made my famous Pumpkin Cookies. They are the BEST pumpkin cookies you will ever eat in your life, and I will be blogging the recipe later this week. So don't worry. You too can experience the joy of these cookies!

Here's a sneak peak...

Oh, and this happened.

Later that night, Cheetah and Maggie came over for a game night! We don't get to hang out with them all that often, but when the stars align and the four of us are together, we have a BLAST! We probably talked more than we played games!

Games and Dirty Martinis!

Maggie brought Budinos and we all had food orgasms.

Maggie being mysterious...
They went to Hawaii for their honeymoon, so she gave
me all kinds of travel tips!

If a game night's success is measured by how late it lasts, then this one was a HUGE success. I didn't make it to bed until 2am!!!


Well, Sunday morning I paid for my double shot dirty martini. Okay, let's be real. I had TWO double shot dirty martinis. The result??? I slept until 12:18pm Sunday morning. Talk about wasting the day away. I knew as soon as I woke up I wasn't going to get a whole lot done!

I think another reason I was so tired is because we set our alarms to check on Basic every two hours. Poor girl still isn't feeling well. How long are antibiotics supposed to take!!??

On Sunday, I was the epitome of lazy. I did get out for a 7 mile run and a walk with the hubby, but after that, I was spent. A lot of my day was laying on the couch researching Hawaii vacation packages.

My hubby went to watch the late football game at a friend's house, so I went to bed early on the basement couch to be close to my little girl.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Did you do anything fun??

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