
Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Good Monday Morning! I hope everyone had a fabulous, relaxing weekend! Here's what I was up to...


Christmas had an appointment at Pet, Bath, and Beyond bright and early Friday morning. We were a little late for his 8am time slot because he was determined NOT to be put into the cat carrier.

It turned out that all of our efforts were  for nothing because Chrissy was not cooperating with the groomer and was getting very stressed out, so they did not proceed with the grooming. The groomer tried for an hour, but Christmas was just not having it. However, the groomer did not charge me AND she would not take a tip, even though I insisted. It wasn't her fault. Christmas is just... Christmas. If he doesn't want to do something, he's not going to do it. I guess Chrissy will never get clean and shiny and will always have a little bit of poop stuck to his butt...

That afternoon, I was getting really bored, so I decided to kick it old school and walk around Shiremanstown town to do my errands. I went to the post office and then way over to the bank. On this 2.5 mile walk, my knee started to ache REALLY bad. I am so frustrated with it at this point. How is it that I ran 5 miles yesterday and had no problems, yet today, a walk angers it? (P.S. Plantar Fasciitis is TOTALLY GONE.) To top it all off, I left my awesome blue water bottle on the counter at the post office. I was pretty bummed thinking I wouldn't get it back, but something CRAZY happened! Late that night, when my husband was coming home from his friend's house, he saw my blue water bottle out on the front stoop! Someone from the post office must have noticed I left it, checked the return address on the 12 letters I mailed, and dropped it off at my house! Either that or I have a stalker!

This hasn't left my side all summer!

Later that night, I got to hang out with one of my friends- Randy. We were in desperate need of catching up, and that's what I did. There are not too many people I can talk to for two and a half hours straight (unless we're running), but Randy is one of them!

Me and Randy, circa 1998!


On Saturday morning, I finally pulled the trigger and ordered my study and testing materials to become an ACE Certified Personal Trainer. I spent 1/2 a pay check on this order, so I hope this all works out for me! If not, there's always Craigslist.

For my workout I did a SUPER old Tae Bo video I remember doing in high school. Sadly, I donated all of my Tae Bo VHS tapes to Good Will several years ago. Lucky for me, it has now cropped up on Youtube and it's just as hard as it was when I was in high school! Although I do use 3lb weights in my hands to add to the intensity.

I love a man in a red spandex belly top!

Then I headed out to Dollar General to get some supplies to help me study for my certification!

Next, it was a wild and crazy evening at Hershey Adventure Sports with my hubby, brother, sister-in-law, and niece.

If there had been Deal or No Deal in Atlantic City, I would have gambled.
This game gets me HYPE!

Some friendly brother-in-law basketball competition.

 I actually golfed a pretty good game that day but
still only managed 3rd place. My brother is a freak of nature!

Debby Dominates!

Ellie is just the sweetest little girl in the whole wide world.


I was totally out of grilled chicken, so dinner was sushi!!!!

Then I started reading a nutrition book that is really going to help me with my certification. It is VERY interesting. I'm only on page 28 and I already feel like I learned more about the human body than I ever did in high school!


Sunday was a powerhouse grocery shopping day. I hit up Aldi and Giant. Sadly, Sharp Shopper in Middletown was closed, otherwise it would have been the grocery trifecta! (I don't even know what a trifecta is, except it has to do with 3 of something.)

Then I ran 5 miles. I know, I know, my knee hurts, right? Not today. Not during my run, and only a tiny bit after, so I iced it and it went away.

Walking = Pain
Running = Fine
Megan = Confused

I don't know how I got so lucky, but I actually got to hang our with ANOTHER best friend of mine this weekend. Maren came over and we had some back porch girl time. I don't have many close friends, and it seems like they all live far away. Lucky for me I got to see two of them in one weekend!

Me and Mar, also circa 1998!

The evening was capped off with an episode of Big Brother 15. In case you are watching, I would just like to share with you how much I can't STAND Amanda, Aaryn, GinaMarie, and Helen. The only people at this point I wouldn't mind winning are Candice and McCrae. Worst. Season. Ever.

Augggggh!!! I can't wait until she is evicted and Julie Chen
gets to tell her she LOST HER JOB!

At this point, I thought I was going to go to bed, but I didn't. You probably think I went to the JT/JZ concert in Hershey, right? I mean, EVERYONE was there.

Nope. I haven't been to a concert in like ten years. That's a bit depressing, isn't it? Instead I learned about vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements.

 That put me to sleep!

I hope you all did something fun this weekend!

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