
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Day In My Life... 8-13-13

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In honor of today being my first day back at work, here is a "Day In My Life" post I wrote a little over a week ago. I would reread it before posting (like I usually do, to look for typos!) But I fear it will depress me! (Teacher problems, I know!)

Which leads me to mention, from now on you can look for my blog posts during the 5am hour! That is when I'll be posting them.


A Day In My Life - 8-13-13

Tuesday is a pretty busy day for me during the school year and during the summer. 
For some reason, a lot of my piano lessons fall on a Tuesday. 
So I got up bright and early to eat some breakfast and relax before it was time to teach.

Coffee and Special K Protein Plus- A great way to start the day!
(I ate all the cereal before I remembered to take a pic... oops.)

It was sort of dreary out this morning- bummer!

Then I taught 4 piano lessons

I had an hour break at one point, so I took advantage of the time and recorded my study notes into my mp3 player. That way, I can listen to them and essentially study while working out, driving, cleaning, or whatever! This system is really going to save me some time! 
(I'm used to listening to podcasts when I workout, anyway! I never listen to music!)

After lessons, I had to rush out the door to see the best chiropractor in the area- Dr. Olivetti. 
I see him for all my running related injuries!

When I got home, my husband and I decided to have a little disc golf/running date at Pinchot Park! I was starving though, and had to get some fuel in my before our adventure.

I can never get enough of this stuff!

I also had a Powerbar. I bought a ton of these at Amelia's last week.
 They were only 50 cents apiece and no, they were NOT expired.

My husband played a round of disc golf while I got in a 7 mile run. 
I ran on the road, but it was still just as pretty as the trail, as you can see from these pictures...

And I made some interesting animal friends along the way!

Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling that great during my run. In fact, I was feeling pretty shitty.
Oh well, my next run is sure to be better!

Back at home, I refueled with a Grahamful, 2 c. milk and a scoop of vanilla whey protein.
Lately, I have been craving milk HARD. 

Then I enjoyed some "me" time and messed around on my computer, blogged, paid some bills (yuck!) and flipped through my favorite magazine that came in the mail!

It's pretty much a magazine that sells clothes with phrases sassy older-middle aged women would wear. 

Some examples: 

"Don't make me put my hands on my hips!"
"It is what it is."
"ACD: Accumulative Cat Disorder"
"Sassy, Classy, and a little Bad Assy"
"Jesus loves you but I'm his favorite."

And of course, this t-shirt of simply the face of a humming bird.

Should I wear this on the first day of school and scare the kids?

You get the idea... This magazine has been coming to our house ever since we moved in. 
I can only assume the woman who lived here before us read it.

Then Paul whipped my ass in Monopoly Deal! If you have not tried this game, you are missing out!

Drink and dinner time... Paul made the chicken (He's the best!) and I made the steamed the veggies.

vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, water, 12 ice cubes

While we ate, we watched the new Netflix show, Orange is the New Black. I LOVE IT!

Then we caught up on Dexter...

Dinner did not fill me at all, so I ended up having to have some oatmeal with Greek yogurt mixed in (I used too much and it turned out disgusting!) 4 chocolate covered coffee beans, and then a few bites of this yummy vanilla ice cream. 

Dare I say it is WAY better than Aldis ice cream!

I stayed up pretty late. I was craving something salty, so I had 4 of these yummy almonds and 5 chips that were leftover from game night. Yes, I count. If I don't, I could easily eat the whole bag!

These are like CRACK!

I started drinking a casein protein shake before bed. Casein is a slow digesting protein. 80% of the protein in milk is casein, so if you drink milk, you've had this... just not in the powdered form!
Why do I drink it before bed? Well, when you sleep, your body is fasting. 
When your body is fasting, it breaks down MUSCLE for energy. NOOOO!!! I worked HARD for that muscle! (And I don't have much of it to waste!) 
If you eat a slow digesting protein before bed (like casein) it will keep your body from breaking down your precious muscle for protein... AND it keeps your metabolism humming along overnight because it has to work hard to break down that protein you just ate!
Whey protein (which is what I have after a workout) as a faster digesting protein. It's better to consume whey after a workout, when you immediately want to replenish!

Sorry, I didn't mean that to be a lecture in protein powders!

I always log my food on a website called MyNetDiary. I highly recommend it if you want to track calories or macro nutrients. I'm not trying to lose weight, just keep myself in check. According to MyNetDiary, today I consumed 1963 calories and burned 656 calories via exercise.

Well, that was my day! It wasn't super exciting, but I don't like summer days to be too crazy.

Are you watching Orange is the New Black?

How about Dexter?

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