
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Well, Hello!!!!!

Wow. It's been almost two months since I posted on Meg Go Run. It seems like a lifetime ago. But now that I think about it, it makes sense. When I was posting daily, my life was completely different. Meg Go Run represents a part of my life that just doesn't exist anymore. That's neither good nor bad. It just is. Life changes. Life moves on.

But just typing and editing that last paragraph makes me realize how much I miss writing! I started writing fictional stories in elementary school. (I still have many of them tucked away!) I started journaling at a very young age and have every journal I have ever written . (Are you impressed!? If so, maybe you better thank my mother!!!)

Writing has always been part of my life. I think that is because reading has always been part of my life. I really believe avid readers make good writers. It worked for me, at least.

When I started Meg Go Run, my life was set. Things were comfortable. It was easy to share and overshare. Meg Go Run started out as a fitness and running blog but it became much more than that. I am comfortable with everything I have shared over the past 7 (ish) years. In fact, I can't tell you how cool it is that I can use my blog to look back on different parts of my life and training and understand what I was thinking and feeling during that time. It is like an online journal!

Since I last spoke to you, some things have changed.

1. I started my 15th year teaching elementary music. Teaching isn't the same as it was even five years ago. I am burnt out. Teaching is such an emotional job and I feel like I have no more emotion to give. But I am tenured. I am established. I am good at what I do. I have health insurance. I have good benefits. In my heart, I know it is okay to not be in love with my job, but I feel like if you are a teacher, people judge you if you are not in love with your job. You know what I say to that? WHATEVER. Teachers are not martyrs. We are people. I can do my job and be good at my job and not be in love with my job. That's where I'm at. Judge me if you want. Actually, before you judge me, come do my job for a day. Then you can tell me your opinion!

2. I'm still a super speedy runner! As you know, I got pretty fast this past winter and it extended into spring and summer. Now fall has arrived and my speedy paces feel even more effortless because it is cooler. I definitely don't always feel like getting up at the ass crack of dawn to run, but once I am out there on the road, I feel awesome. I'm in really good shape. My next race is Hyner in April 2020, so honestly, this speediness is strictly for my own enjoyment.

3. I may start going to therapy every other week. I love my therapist. He has helped me through the most difficult times in my life. But thankfully, things have settled down and we both feel like bi weekly therapy sessions are the next step. I am so thankful that I have health insurance that enables me to get the mental health care I need when I need it. I am also thankful for my therapist who has invested in me and helped me so much.

That's all I got for now! It's not a completely transparent update of my life but it's what I'm comfortable sharing right now!

Please, please, please, if you are compelled at all, comment and tell me about YOU! I want to know what's going on in your life! Brag! Or tell me your hardships! Or just give me an update! Even if you never commented on this blog before, tell me something going on with YOU! I care. I swear, connecting with others is the coolest thing Meg Go Run has ever brought to me!
teacher people