
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Blogger Holiday Card Swap

Hola, Holiday Peeps! This year, I participated in the Fairytales and Fitness Holiday Card Swap. I was randomly assigned a blogger to send a holiday card to and someone was randomly assigned my name. I thought this card exchange would be a good way to spread some holiday cheer and connect with other bloggers.

The blogger I sent a card to was Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner. I have been reading Deborah's blog for several months but I still had fun deciding what card and small gift to send her.

My card arrived in the mail the day after Christmas, so it was a nice surprise and kept the holidays going! Katrina from My Pineapple Ponderings sent me a lovely card. In fact, it's the kind I might frame for next year!

Inside the card was a beautiful bracelet. It says "wanderlust" on it. In her card, Katrina told me she admired how Paul and I do so many things and that the bracelet reminded her of us. I thought that was really sweet. Sometimes I feel like all I do is stay home in my jammies, but we do go out and do a lot of fun things too.

It was a lovely card and a beautiful bracelet. Thank you so much, Katrina!

Thanks to Fairytales and Fitness for organizing this fun swap!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Weekly Workouts!

It turned out to be quite a good week for me. I hit a lat pull down PR at the gym (6x100lb!) and I actually did SPEED WORK...

I just realized I ran 36 miles this week!

Saturday- 6 rainy miles. I was on Day #3 of being sick but was determined to run because I thought it would make me feel better mentally... it did. And it didn't make me feel worse physically, which was a good sign that I was on the mend.

Sunday- My can opener 6 mile runI literally ran to the Dollar General on Christmas Eve morning to get a can opener. Our's was broken and I needed to make a pineapple casserole. I meant to run right back home and drop it off, but I felt so good that I just carried it the rest of the way. 

Monday- 6 Merry Christmas Miles! It was COLD and WINDY. The wind was making a low howling noise. It was sort of creepy. I was out before the sun came up. I didn't see many people.

Tuesday- The 6 coldest miles so far this winter. It was just as cold as Monday, but the wind blew the WHOLE TIME. Yikes.

Wednesday- Lifting @ Planet Fitness. I haven't been to the gym FOREVER. I made sure to do certain exercises I can't do at home, like inverted row, lat pull down, and captain's chair. I hit a lat pull down PR- 100lb!

Thursday- Speed work at Planet Fitness. I haven't done speed work in a LONG time. I did a 1/2 mile each at these paces:

8:57, 8:42, 8:27, 8:13, 8:00, 7:42, 7:30, 7:14, 6:59, 6:44

I listened to podcasts, but for the sub 7 minute mile at the end, I had to turn on some Lady Gaga to get me through! Showtunes or Lady Gaga are my speed work tunes of choice.

Then I did 1/4 mile @ 7:42, 1/4 mile @ 8:00, and 1/2 mile @ 8:27. Then I walked for a little until Paul was done.

After my 1/2 mile @ 6:44, my legs could've kept going but my chest was really warm and my HR was in Zone 6 according to my watch. I'm not sure how high the zones go but I think 6 is pretty high!

Friday- 6 neighborhood miles. There was a pep in my step from my speed workout the day before.

What music do you like to listen to for speed work?

Friday, December 29, 2017

Our Christmas In Pictures!

Hello! Here is a recap of our Christmas Day in pictures. I know this is late, but better late than never! 

The day started with a FREEZING 6 miler! It was actually kind of creepy because most of my run was in the dark and the wind was howling in a very low pitch. It was also snowing!

New tradition: I make us Christmas Morning breakfast!
French toast, blackberries, sausage, orange juice, and coffee.

Then we went to Tyler and Debby's house to celebrate our first Christmas there! Attendees included: Tyler, Debby, Ellie, Clementine, Clark, Mom, Dad, my brother Julian, Debby's parents Keith and Liz, and her brother-in-law Josh.

Debby made Clementine and Ellie butterfly necklaces from a real butterfly wing. She is so talented.

 Later that day, we raced to see who could finish this 48 piece puzzle the fastest!

Mom and Dad even brought our stockings!

Mom made the kids slippers...

The following pictures were taken by Debby's BIL, Josh. You will notice the stark contrast in quality from here on out!

 Debby and her mom, Liz

 You know you're old when.... you ask for Dr. Scholls for Christmas!

I got a reflective vest!

Dad got the "Eggsplorer"  drone for Christmas. My dad is the kind of dad you can still get toys! Tyler is that kind of dad as well! Maybe all dads like getting toys?

Dad wearing the buff I got him.

Dad showing Ellie all the ways you can wear a buff.

Family picture!

 Snapchat time with my nieces!

 Ellie got Thinking Clay and spent a lot of the day creating.

Are you ready for a million pictures of Clark? I know a lot of them are similar, but I just have to include them all because HE'S A BIG, BIG BOOOOOY! (Inside joke.)

Okay, the following pictures need an explanation... On Christmas Eve, Pappy gave Clark this toy they had ever since we were kids. There is a little car that races down the wooden ramps. Clark was obsessed with it. We all started clapping for him every time he sent the car down and of course that made Clark SO HAPPY. But he kept doing it... at least 20 times. Soon we had to distract him so he'd do something else because there's no way we would let him hanging, but we got tired of cheering!

THAT FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to show you what my SIL made me. It's a weighted blanket. It weighs 13lbs total. It is supposed to help you fall asleep by reducing anxiety and stress. So far it is working REALLY well and I love it.

Later on that evening, back at our place, Paul and I cracked open a bottle of wine!

We also opened a wine called Cousin Jack. Guys, DON'T MESS with Cousin Jack. It is 18% alcohol, and I'm not gonna lie... it %$&#ed me up!

Then we opened presents. I made Paul an ornament. Inside are stones from Tennessee Valley Beach in California. We hiked to this beach and it was beautiful. Instead of sand, there were these stones.

This is the beach:

I also got him a bottle of wine with his favorite Chambourcin grapes.

His third gift was a Tesla sweatshirt. The guys that installed our solar panels were decked out in Tesla gear and Paul wanted some.

Paul got me two awesome puzzles! I can't wait to get started!

He also made me a pillowcase with the kitties on it. I made him one years ago and now I have one too!

Paul also got me....

It stores completed puzzles, partway done puzzles, and has a felt board you can do puzzles on! I am not worthy!!!


The kitties got some special wet food and a new squirrel to play with. You can never have too many squirrels...